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How often do you hear people in public sneeze a fit?


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I was wondering if there any people on the forum who see public fits often. I dont have much luck I have heard 7 guys sneeze a fit in the last year (ranging from 4 to 7 sneezes) and one woman (12 sneezes).

I was wondering am I very unlucky?, is this about average? or do most people hear fits on a weekly or daily basis?.

Edited by colorado198219
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Presumably it depends how many people you are around. I rarely see any....but then I'm not often with many other people even at work..

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I think Vetinari has a good point. I also think it depends where you spend much of your time. In air conditioned places? In places where there are lots of plants and weeds? Places where it's cold most of the time? It makes a difference.

P.S If you don'y mind, because I know you're not really into female sneezes, but can you describe the woman's fit? I mean, 12 sneezes is nothing to sneeze at. :laugh:


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Guest AlkaZene

at my last job i saw two fits. in an air conditioned office. These are the only fits I have ever witnessed in the flesh since i dated a girl with hayfever many years ago. I don't see any and it's depressing lol

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My sneezing observations of the female sneezing fits can be found via member topics (click colorado198219 and there should be a find member topics), page 2, the sneezing fits from woman one was 5 sneezes the last post on that was october 16th 2007

The sneezing fit in which their was 12 sneezes in a row :laugh: the last post on that was october 30th its towards the top of the 2nd page of the 4 pages of topics I have started since joining the forum.

I guess there was a female fit I forgot about :innocent:

Also slightly over a year ago there was a very sneezey coffee server that I wrote about many times from december-january 2006/2007 I believe those are on page 2 also of the threads I have started

Edited by colorado198219
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well at University (dont know why) you tend to hear a lot of sneezing. Sometimes cherished singles, or fits that go on and on...well, lets say about 6 or 7. this is usually weekly. :laugh:

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Thanks Colorado. I'll check it out.

And Ilovesneezing, I have to agree about college. Especially Biology class. :laugh:


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When people sneeze its usually 1-3 times. I rarely hear any prolonged fits and when I do, its from people I don't want to see having a fit.

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I hear a *LOT* I work with two girls who are multiple sneezers (one day, V sneezed upwards of 20 times in one fit, and K usually has 8-10 per day) - it's a call centre, so we're all in one big room together.

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im trying to recall....ive only heard a few fits. one was a dad and son, i think they must have a genetic propensity for fitting.... and the other just had fits all the time...at least 20 fits a week....sometimes up to 50 at a time....

i cant recall a single female fit ever... :laugh: my fetish mental cabinet is empty here!!!

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I remember that back in the days I was a student I used to see sneezing fits during classes once or twice in a month.

I especially remember this girl who had bad allergies and would launch into fits of 6-7 rapid fire sneezes as if she was a cat


Unfortunatly, she wasn't very attractive, but hey, still better nothing :laugh:

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Not very often actually, but I happened to hear a girl that was in our group of friends that really sneezed a whole lot.

She had these little squishy rapid fire sneezing fits with no pause between them, something like "isch! isch! isch-isch! ischischischisch! isch!", lets say every half an hour. They didn't seem to take her on surprise, she just left them go on one after another and kept her head down as the sneezing fit bent her.

Then she just would blow her nose and kept on talking like nothing had happend.

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Uhm, I haven't heard too many fits; every once in awhile I hear fits of 5 to 7, and rarely one of 10, but that's so so so rare.

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Seen quite a few over the years, not as many lately.

Everything from drawn out fits to the rapid fire ones.

The rapid fire ones have varied from 4 sneezes to about 13, 14.

The girl responsible for that higher number once yelled out "Jesus Christ!" in exasperation after one of her long fits. ^_^

Edited by resolution
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Guest pookie77

Oh man, my ex-fiancee was very prone to fits. They usually kicked in around April and went all the way through to October. You would all have loved him --- long, pre-sneeze face buildups, hitched breath, a quick sneeze, and then the process would begin all over again. He would just carry on with what he was doing, but, I do remember one anniversary we decided to picnic in the park, and the pollen just caught a hold of him ~ he sneezed about 20 times at the park, then, when we got back to the house, he sneezed another 8 in the bathroom ~ we then retreated to my room for a little hanky panky when he must have sneezed over 30 times with very drawn out pauses --- he was so allergic that night. I had never seen him like that ever --- then, when we moved into our apartment, the owner before us had a cat, and we had to sleep on the floor till our new bed arrived ~ he would literally wake from his sleep to have a sneeze fit. I miss that about him ... ;)

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