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I'm just curious. Do you or do you know anyone who stifles when they're alone? I mean completly alone. Like if they know no one will hear them, even at home, but they stifle anyway. Or is it just a social thing?


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Well I've never asked anyone, but I find myself doing it when I'm alone, without realising it...which is really strange, because usually I don't even get sneeze-shy in public...odd...

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Odd indeed. So if I got you correctly, you sneeze normally in public, but stifle when you're alone?


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My aunt ALWAYS stifles. I've never heard her sneeze normally. I asked her once when I was little why she did that, and she said sneezing was the best way to spread germs, so she always keeps them in, which is hilarious, cause my mom (her sister) is the screamer (sneeze-wise)

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I used to always stifle. It was so habitual I'd do it even when I was alone.

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What a dreadful waste! [can we say that ?]

And Lynne, it was exactly the same with my aunt and mother. I even remember my mother commenting on the fact; on the lines of "We let them out, you hold them in." Because it didn't involve me I wasn't too embarrassed; indeed I felt that my mother was sticking up for the right thing to do.

Oooh, it's not a Catholic thing, is it?

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Oh well...when I wasn't a Catholic I stifled.....and when I was one I didn't!

Case closed! :laugh:

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So it's not like Purgatory, then [another thing on which my mother had "views".] Of course , Purgatory is about the only thing that Anglicans AREN'T allowed to believe in [apart from papal jurisdiction, of course].

Sorry, I was going to say that stifling is a bit like a prolonged period of purgatory, after which a really good sneeze is very heaven.

Hmm, plus catholique que le pape, as we say in English.

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I wonder what will happen if I lapse (more). Or would I have to actually become a proddy to start stifling again?

There seems to be a strange smell in here......

Oh, it's OK. It's just the usual Papal Bull.

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it's the incense! Yes, time for my sneezefic set during a Lefebvrine Mass at Santiago de Compostela....

That baroque pilgrimage inlaid thurible,...

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It's because with a good cold you can sit there wiping your nose for an hour and then be provided with the opportunity to shake hands with everyone sitting within reach. :laugh:

Oh and THEN you can use the incense.

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Sounds suspiciously protty to me. It's far simpler to kiss those of the same sex, and with the others, sneeze all over the book and make them kiss it.

I used to do this....well, not the sneezing, but making them kiss the book.

And , you know, there was a stage where you could actually get the ladies to kiss you too..........surely not an advantage to hideous modernist ritual?

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so....the fact that i stifle while alone is because im not Catholic? or is it that the Catholics stifle more? *scratches head in confusion* i thought it was just because sometimes i sense it might come out a bit juicier than i like.... and in fear of seeing any "sneezewater" i stifle it in...

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Odd indeed. So if I got you correctly, you sneeze normally in public, but stifle when you're alone?


Um, I kinda alternate, it doesnt usually depend on the situation...

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Guest LadyErisana

i always stifle my sneezes whether im alone or in public...maybe on occasion ill let one go, but i think it's because i hate the way they sound. usually it's just one loud, wet, "SHHHHHH!" LOL.

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Guest pookie77

Stifles are fantastic.

If I may add, if stifling actually prolongs the amount of sneezing, why knock it? I knew this girl in grade school/high school who would have completely silent sneezing fits ~ went on for forever. I was fascinated. She just sat there, sneezing, one after another, nothing loud or messy ... just sneezing ...

Great ;)

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Actually, if I may, those sound like wonderful sneezes to me. :D


Sounds ideal to me too. ;)

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Do you or do you know anyone who stifles when their alone? I mean completly alone. Like if they know no one will hear them, even at home, but they stifle anyway. Or is it just a social thing?

It's a difficult question to answer, except for yourself, because if the person is completely alone, who is there to hear the sneeze, especially if it's stifled?

But I do have strong suspicions about some friends. One, who is a really close friend, who has lived with us for various periods of many months, and who almost always stifles. I have heard him stifle from his bedroom when there would be no social reason to stifle. Strangely enough, his partner also stifles systematically and I have also heard him stifle from another room where he was alone.

So, yes, I am sure there are quite a lot of people who have made such a habit of stifling that they do it every time.

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