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whats the most nose blowing you ever had to do with a cold?


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I was wondering if any one like me has ever had a ever snooty cold (hope thats not to blunt) where they just had to blow their nose almost continiously?

Not to get to much into myself here but back in February I had a very, very bad head cold. I didnt have coughing, fever and wasnt even sneezng much (more then usual, but still not much by some peoples standards. But my nose was running constantly.

There was one day that I went through a big pack of tissues (pocket pack) with-in an hour. Those tissues in my opinion werent really a match for that cold either as most of them fell apart immediately apon me blowing my nose, next cold like that I will use handkerchiefs I think . I just couldnt stop blowing my nose, it was just running constantly. I would venture to guess I had to blow my nose close to 20 times with-in one hour on the worst day of the cold.

On the worst evening in the middle of the cold (the cold lasted 4 days) I just sat up in bed and honked for 10 minutes trying to clear my nose so I could breathe through it so I could get some sleep. It was the worst cold I have ever had for sure.

Anyone else really had one of those days where its been one nose-blowing fit after another, especially when it came to a cold or hayfever?

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  • 1 month later...

ugh! i too had an awful cold in the beginning of February. it was probably the WORST time to have a cold for me because I started a new school that same week. i went into a new school sounding really congested. my nose as so stuffy and plugged. it was kind of embarrassing because it was so bad. in one class, my new teacher noticed I had a cold. she was the sweetest thing. she gave me a small pack of tissues to keep in my pocket. i sneezed a lot and i felt really bad for the kids sitting next to me. they were probably all disgusted with "the new girl." lol. it was the worst cold i think i have ever had. i looked awful too. my nose was so red from blowing and it was always running. i was pale and had dark circles under my eyes. my voice was raspy and congested. every time i coughed i sounded like an old man. :(

yep, i can relate to you there.

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my records for nose blowing in one day would have to be

2 boxes of tissues in one day ( last fall )

3 handkerchiefs in one day ( 3 days ago)

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In December, I caught a horrible cold from one of my housemates. I was sick for legitimately a week and a half. On day three, my nose exploded. I blew and blew and blew, but it just wouldn't stop dripping. Every time I sneezed (which was often!) I needed at least ten tissues to clear my nose. On that day three, I went through two entire boxes of tissues. At that point my nose was so chapped, that I just gave up and sneezed freely. It was pretty gross. If I'm unlucky enough to get a next time, I'll consider making the switch to hankies. Thoughts on that?

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I have been thinking about this one and the most was a bad cold I had last fall(ish).

I spent a one day on the couch with a new box of Kleenex by my side and went through the whole box and 1/2 of another blowing and sneezing into them. The rest of the cold I finished off that box.

This last cold may be pretty close...but I never finished off a whole box in a day.

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In December, I caught a horrible cold from one of my housemates. I was sick for legitimately a week and a half. On day three, my nose exploded. I blew and blew and blew, but it just wouldn't stop dripping. Every time I sneezed (which was often!) I needed at least ten tissues to clear my nose. On that day three, I went through two entire boxes of tissues. At that point my nose was so chapped, that I just gave up and sneezed freely. It was pretty gross. If I'm unlucky enough to get a next time, I'll consider making the switch to hankies. Thoughts on that?

as a fairly new hanky user ( less than 2 weeks now), I think hankies would be the way to go for your next horid cold like that

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so far using a hankie I have found 2 great things , 1 much much softer on my nose than a paper tissue, and 2 much much more enviromentally friendly

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  • 2 months later...

When I was about eight, I had this horrible cold which lasted me nearly a month. I was a kid and didn't really know how to put up with being congested, so I was blowing my nose constantly. One of the pockets in my backpack was completely filled with snot encrusted tissues and half used tubes of cough drops. By the end of it my nose was so raw that it was more or less an open wound. Except for the five or so seconds of slight relief after each nose blow, I was completely unable to breathe through my nose for the entire month. It felt like it was full of cement. So yeah, I probably used up at least one tree worth of tissues during that time.

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In one week I once used a couple of boxes of kleenex tissues and 4 handkerchiefs.

rick, how many is a couple boxes, like 2, or more like 4 ?

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In 1 day it was 2 boxes of kleenex at the worst point, but then switched to hankies as i felt they were easier on my nose.

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In 1 day it was 2 boxes of kleenex at the worst point, but then switched to hankies as i felt they were easier on my nose.

I have also realized over the past few months that hankies are much easier on the nose, especially from those rough tissues at school

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have also realized over the past few months that hankies are much easier on the nose, especially from those rough tissues at school

Gotta threadjack minorly - so the awfully rough tissues at school is an international thing? I remember that too from school. But oh well, I kinda really liked folks using them, because of the beautiul redness one's nose would achieve after few days of use. :D

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I have also realized over the past few months that hankies are much easier on the nose, especially from those rough tissues at school

Gotta threadjack minorly - so the awfully rough tissues at school is an international thing? I remember that too from school. But oh well, I kinda really liked folks using them, because of the beautiul redness one's nose would achieve after few days of use. :twisted:

The issue of tissues issued in schools (hmm, hmm) is something I have never heard of. If it happens in France, it's a very recent development. Do you mean that tissues are actually given out to the pupils?

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I have never heard of schools supplying hankies over here - but it is quite common that schools ask kids to bring a box of kleenex at the start of the year.

Those boxes are put in class for daily use.


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I have noticed in previous obsides the idea that children, instead of blowing their noses at their desks on their own hankies, go to a public place and in the view of all blow, or indeed sneeze , into some sort of communal hankie, but I have always dismissed this as a fetishy fantasy, because it cannot possibly be true.

Firstly, if boxes of paper hankies were left in a formroom, the boys would steal or destroy them. Masters already have to carry board rubbers; they are scarcely going to agree with carrying boxes of hankies around. No master is going to put up with having children wandering around the formroom in the middle of lessons; and however long his build up, a boy is hardly likely to be able to put his hand up, get permission, and move to a public place before his sneeze comes out. Anyway, why would he do so? Surely he must have at least one hankie in his blazer pocket, along with his penknife; no mother would bear the shame of having a child go out without a clean hankie, any more than she would have him be run over without clean underwear.

And who would provide the paper hankies? I can see that in a fee-paying school it could be added to the bill as an extra, like washing. But in America, although people won't let their children be given medical attention by state employees, who would have no motive to cure them, they are happy to have them educated in free state schools, where there is no motive to educate them.

I agree it is even less likely in France; the ushers would never let the children move around the prep.

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The issue of tissues issued in schools (hmm, hmm) is something I have never heard of. If it happens in France, it's a very recent development. Do you mean that tissues are actually given out to the pupils?

Not tissues per se but the paper towels by the sinks found typically from just about every Finnish classroom. I'm not sure how it is in schools in other countries though, are there sinks in classrooms or is it just a national oddity. Anyway the paper towels are not meant to be used as tissues; they are very rough on your skin. But I remember virtually everyone using them for that purpose, because most of the kids and teens are too careless to bring tissues with them, even if they needed them.

Oh, memories....

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This reminds of a very strong memory. When I was at primary school one of our teachers used to keep tissues in her desk drawer, not on the desk for all to use, but just in her drawer, and so the kids would have to go up and as for one.

I always kept a close eye on who went up to the teacher to ask for a tissue, even though i was about 6/7 I remember being facsinated in blowing noses.

It makes sense to keep tissues in the classroom. Children are very poor at bring their own tissues/handkerchiefs with them, and kids get runny noses, so I would have thought it would cause less disruption in the class just to have a communal box of tissues, rather than the child having to leave the class.

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