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Sneeze Fetish Forum

which way do you blow your nose


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When i blow my nose i usually blow straight out and down. However, I've seen people move their noses from side to side when blowing too. I was wondering which way you fellow fetishists blow.

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Hi Honkmaster

I usually blow one nostril at a time. A couple of blows of my left nostril then a couple of blows of my right, then both together (this usually makes a honking noise!). If I feel that my nose is stuffed rather than runny then I just blow both nostrils a few times, the honking seems to clear things pretty well even if it is loud!

I guess you honk because you blow both together too.



Edited by chui
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Good question. I start by blowing out of both nostrils, then alternate between the left and the right, then do a little dig at the tip of my nose with the tissue to dry the wetness still there. This style of blowing changes with how badly I need to blow my nose.

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I blow straight down, one nostril at a time, into a handkerchief. If necessary, I'll alternate sides until my nose is clear, then rub around the nostrils on both sides to clean things up. I was taught as a lad to never blow both nostrils together, as it was bad for the ears, but this is probably just an old wives tale.

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I'm new to noseblowing. (recent sniffling convert :rolleyes:) So I'm pretty bacic. I make a habbit of folding my tissue in half once, or maybe even twice, hold it over my nose praying style and blowing hard. It ends up sounding pretty soft though. I wipe afterword.

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I definitely do it one nostril at a time. Otherwise, it's really loud and wet sounding. And that's why I don't do it in public. I find it humiliating. :)

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