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The "Dr. Michael Samuels" mystery - potential clues

The Mute Poet

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I wholeheartedly agree with the Count on what a treasure trove of information whoever protrays doctor Samuels could be. Whatever the concerns about the moral implications of his ruse, he's definitely succeded at single-handedly created some of the best material we've uncovered in recent memory. If anything I'd just love to know the details of his sneezing "scam".

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  • 2 months later...

"Intriguing. Though the sneezer is from Calif, the poster claims to be from Zambia. And for the frist time Dr Samuels has asked for an embarrassing sneeze story as part of the "audition".

And who or what is Avalon? [Yes, I know it's the Isle of the sacred apples, but apart from that>}"

Just to respond to the Count here (whithout taking up anymore space of the Great Youtube thread than necessary haha), I have a suspicion that these girls may well all be responding to a standing add, since so many of the same lines have popped up in the videos, just maybe none of the others felt comfortable telling (or indeed had) an embarassing sneeing story.

From what we've been able to gather, "Avalon" is the California-based add agency the Dr's original add was placed in, which explains why so many people take it as legit.

Here's hoping some day this whole thing will finally be laid bare - I'm still not totally convinced the good doctor isn't among us as we speak... (shifty eyes)

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Here's hoping some day this whole thing will finally be laid bare.

Well... I honestly couldn't care less whether it gets laid bare or not. It's certainly interesting to speculate about, but I'm not waiting on the edge of my seat to hear any new "Dr. Samuels" developments. :rolleyes:

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It's interesting how on this BB the tone goes from all light and funny with TONS of bad puns to "omg this is so creepy" when someone mentions the podcast. Hey, you guys were right the first time. It's all in good clean fun. :P


I actually laughed at some of those puns, like the one about being "paid through the nose".

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Here's hoping some day this whole thing will finally be laid bare.

Well... I honestly couldn't care less whether it gets laid bare or not. It's certainly interesting to speculate about, but I'm not waiting on the edge of my seat to hear any new "Dr. Samuels" developments. :P

Unless he lays it bear himself and releases all those tapes he has stored up at the same time.

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