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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Question For Allergy Sufferers.


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Those that don't suffer from allergies know the difference between the feeling of an everyday sneeze and a cold sneeze (the second kind is more intense and sometimes unpleasant feeling) but I was wondering how allergy sneezes compare to cold sneezes from the allergy sufferers standpoint.

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When I sneeze from a cold, the feeling tends to go away. I may sneeze a few times, but once it's over, it's over, though you may be exhausted and sore. Allergy sneezes burn and itch more, and the feeling hangs around after you've sneezed (presumably because you can't just get rid of an irritant that's everywhere in the atmosphere). I think there's usually less pressure, and more inflammation, if that makes sense. My allergy sneezes tend to sound exasperated, whereas my cold ones tend to sound beaten-up, though people who suffer more allergy symptoms than I do may be more miserable during allergy season.

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I agree with morningsmith, with allergy sneezes, the urge to sneeze doesnt seem to go away like it does after a good sneeze with a cold.

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I agree with the comments above...my allergy sneezes are very dry and desperate compared to normal sneezes and especially cold sneezes which are most of the time wet from congestion.

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Well I don't catch colds that often and when I do, there usually isn't that much sneezing.... but the sneezes that I do get with a cold from what I can remember don't feel all that different from my allergy ones as far as sensation goes. The main difference for me seems to be with the mess that is involved. With colds the mucous is usually a lot thicker than with allergies.

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