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Geta's Mew


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"What is this?" Vegeta looked down at the minor annoyance that kept rubbing itself up and down his leg. Already exhausted from a very long day of exercise, he picked up the offending creature by the scruff of its neck.

"Vegeta! You put that cat down or you hold it right!" Bulma scolded. Giving her a hard glare, he held the cat away from him to look at it. The cat's yellow eyes stared at him and very innocently, "Mew."

"GAH! Why do we have this....thing?" Vegeta tossed the cat on the couch as if hearing it meow again would be even more disgusting then the first time.

"Its okay, Mew. His High-ass, is just jealous," Bulma picked up the tiny kitten carrying it into the kitchen with her.

"I repeat! Why do we have this thing?" The Prince did not like being ignored. Grunting when he got no answer, he went to take a shower.


Letting the water run over him, Vegeta leaned his head against the cool tile. Ugh! He was so achy. He shouldn't be this exhausted. He contemplated sitting down in the shower and letting the water just renew his energy. He'd only sit for a moment, besides the warm water seemed to lessen the achiness.


"Dad!" Vegeta's eyes flew open. 'Shit! How long had he been asleep?' Judging by the cold water and the goosebumps covering his flesh he could only assume it was a lot longer than a moment. "Dad! Mom says if you don't quite wasting water with your ridiculous training exercises, she'll make you fly to get more," he could hear Trunks through the bathroom door.

"WHAT? Blast that....that WOMAN! and tell her I will take as long a shower as I want in my home," Vegeta could feel his anger start to spike. Shutting off the water he grabbed a robe, and stalked out to the kitchen. "Now see here, woman..." Vegeta raised a finger. Bulma didn't even look up from the dinner she was making, when a small hand wrapped around his finger. Immediately, Vegeta's anger dissipated as he looked curiously at the small fingers holding his. Looking up any anger that was left was gone as baby Bra's eyes met with his. "Vegeta, quit dripping on my floor and come hold Bra so I can finish making dinner."

'Curse that woman, always pushing my buttons!' Vegeta stomped much like his 7 year old son to his room. Vegeta quickly put on a t-shirt and jeans. 'Why is this shirt so itchy?' "WOMAN! What did you wash my shirt in? Needles?" Throwing the shirt on the bed he tried on another. Gah! Nothing seemed to make his skin feel less...sensitive.

Walking into the kitchen, Vegeta saw Bulma standing over the stove cooking dinner. Just as he walked up behind her to put his arms around his waist, he felt a small tickle work its way up from the back of his sinuses. Quickly turning his head to the side, he let a small hehh-ishoo! escape. Bulma turned around and looked at her husband. Not wanting her to realize he had had a moment of weakness, he quickly feigned innocence and pointed to the cat. Cocking her head to the side, Bulma shrugged and turned back around toward the pot on the stove. " 'Geta, set the table will you? We'll be eating in 5 minutes."

She heard him grumble something about 'not your servant, Woman' but heard no loud complaints as he complied.


Vegeta's head ached from the sound of Bra banging her spoon against the table. Grabbing it from her, her lip slowly poofed out and started to quiver as Vegeta quickly realized what was about to happen. Shoving the spoon back in her hand, he continued to push the food around on his plate. How strange that he wasn't hungry? Maybe it was his aching muscles telling him to get back to training that were distracting him? 'Yes, sure that had to be it,' Vegeta smirked at the conclusion he had come to.

"What's so funny, 'Geta?" Bulma looked up from spooning out the baby food out of the jar.

"Nothing, Woman, go back to feeding my offspring!" Vegeta spat back at her. "Can't you see I'm enjoying your peasant food?"

"WHAT?! If you don't like it then quit eating it!" Bulma stood up suddenly. "You know what? Just give it to me! You obviously don't like it since you didn't eat any of it!" She grabbed the plate from in front of him and threw its contents away. Vegeta sat there stunned as his temper raced to beat his other emotions to the surface. Afraid he had pushed his mate over the edge, he watched as she left the kitchen, and slammed what he could only assume was their bedroom door.

Hours later, Vegeta sat staring at the ceiling of their living room from their couch. She had thrown his pillow and a blanket into the hallway in front of their room and told him he was to sleep on the couch or she would never speak to him again. He had to admit that was gutsy of his mate. He could have easily destroyed the door that separated him from her. But he could never force her to talk to him if she didn't want to. And after all he actually vauled what she said to him. Above all, he just didn't feel right. His mind felt foggy. His skull felt like Kakorot had kicked it in, and he was cold...no wait hot....no wait cold. UGH! Why did he feel like he wasn't in control of how his body felt!!! 'I'm in control,' he mentally chanted over and over again, untill at last he fell into a restless sleep.

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Omigosh! :yes: You wrote a DBZ fic! With future Vegeta wrongness! :mario: Thank you so much! :angry: I shall haunt this thread because I VegetaSmiley2.gif:D And I love your writing. *is super happy*

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