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Sneeze Fetish Forum

GAH! Everyone Knows!


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Sometimes I feel like everyone in the world knows about my fetish. Growing up with a fetish has always been like carrying more on my load, if you will, so I'm probably just paranoid. But does anyone know what I mean? :)

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I know just how you feel.

In fact, I have reason to believe that my mom knows. When I was little I'd search billions and billions of pics of sneezing on Google, and because of some safety program for the internet (that we haven't removed yet I don't know why) all my searches from like five years ago come down in a drop-down list. My mom usually doesn't go on my profile for the computer but now I'm paranoid she will...

my dad is as clueless as ever I think, but he may know...I had a close call with him that I can't go into details about or I'll feel nervous again... :blink:

my sis caught me on the forum but luckily I switched to myspace before she could read the giant banner in the top left corner. :unsure:

I never feel safe.

but that's because I'm an idiot who doesn't cover her tracks :rolleyes:

I don't know about me, but if you haven't been on the forum while your family or friends are around...or I don't know, if you haven't yet freaked out when you saw someone sneeze while you're with your family or friends...

I think you're ok.

I understand what you mean though, having the fetish is like carrying an extra weight around. :unsure:

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Damn, that sucks. I know for a fact no one knows about me liking people's sneezes.

Good luck overcoming your paranoia. Just think of it this way. Who really cares if people find out? The worst thing that could happen isn't bad. If your family knows, they won't look or treat you differently because they are your family.

Just my opinion...

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Don't worry. Someday, you'll realize that most people don't even imagine such a thing, and haven't thought about it seriously.

I used to think that too, and now I don't.

It'll be all right. :(

If your family knows, they won't look or treat you differently because they are your family.

You sure about that? Not everyone can look past odd quirks.

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