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Sneeze Fetish Forum

*??anyone sneeze in secret??*

Guest secret sneezer :(

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Guest secret sneezer :(

:) hiyarr im new to this forum! :nohappy:

does anyone here sneeze in private. i only stifle in public...and well. i dont know why but im trying to get better at letting sneezes go...any tips?? i know its a bit weird...alot weird.

thanks :innocent:

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Hi secret sneezer, and welcome to the forum! :innocent:

I usually sneeze normally/out loud, but I understand where you're coming from. (You'll definitely meet other stiflers here. :)) For instance, my GF normally stifles (:wub:). It sounds like you're asking for tips on how to not stifle. I can think of one: just don't be shy about it. (It's not impolite! :nohappy:) Others sneeze too, so if you can just overcome your shyness, you'll definitely be fine! :)

Good luck, and again, welcome to the forum!

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The best way to sneeze in public is to keep in mind that no one is judging your sneezes, they don't think less of you if you let one go once in awhile. If they do judge, then who cares what they think, thier opinion shouldn't matter to you. :)

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hey, i'm pretty new to the forum too and i do the same thing, especially in large groups of people. I think the best thing to do is just ignore the fact that people are there and sneeze like you would in private. If you don't pay mind to the fact that other people are there, then its easier to just let the sneezes go.

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At one point in time I had a issue sneezing on the bus. It took me until I was 25 to be able to do it, and even now half the time I still stifle.

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hey :hug: we all know what you mean! lots of people are really shy about sneezing in public. actually in some cultures, it considered incredibly rude to do so, thank goodness not where i'm from! :P

something that might help you a bit, do you ever role play? or get into character? if you do, you might imagine that you are "sneezing as someone else." like, i have quite a few muses, and they all have different sneezing sounds. So, sometimes i play at sounding like them, and it's kinda like its "them" sneezing, not me. i know it probably sounds totally weird, but this has helped me with a lot of things I'm a bit nervous about. :twisted::lmfao:

(ok..i sound weird now..ima go bye-bye)

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i know it probably sounds totally weird, but this has helped me with a lot of things I'm a bit nervous about. :twisted::lmfao:


That's a GREAT idea! Wow, thanks! :P I really should try that the next time I'm nervous about doing something!

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I haven't got the stifling problem, because I can't stifle; though I have got a partial mental block. So in a way you're not doing badly already , ss.

This has come up before, and I seem to remember various methods for getting used to public sneezing. One I think was to induce a sneeze in a lavatory cubicle, so you can't see anyone seeing you sneeze. Plus presumably you can go on tickling your nose until the sneeze is so enormous you just can't hold it in.

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I have to say, I used to hate sneezing in public, but now since I've been on this forum, I've gotten progressively less embarrassed about it...it was a slow process but, hey, I like the results. I don't feel like I have to hide myself anymore really. Hopefully the same will happen to you :D

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Guest secret sneezer :(
I am very shy about sneezing in public, so I understand where you're coming from completely. :blushing:

im glad someone else feels the same

i think this forum will help me alot...hopefully :blushing: and i will tell you if i hopefully do sneeze in public but that would be a huge step for me :wacko::blushing:

thanks everyone for their support and tips :bleh:

by the way...I AM THE QUEEN OF ALL STIFLES(so if you said tickle my nose til i sneeze huge...tht wouldnt work sorry :))


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Welcome to the forum! To answer your question, yes I'm shy, but I don't stifle if I sneeze in public. I've found a less noticeable method, which is by making my sneezes sound like coughs! :D

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Hi. I'm new-ish, too. I've actually signed up before, but I created such a cryptic name and password that I myself forgot it, so I had to start over. How's THAT for secret? But yes... I haven't sneezed in front of anyone in--and I am NOT kidding--YEARS. Since I was a child. I have no idea why it is such a big deal for me, but it simply IS. Let's consider talking about this more?

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It's interesting you mention this "mental block." Do you mean that you cannot sneeze in public, or that you cannot stifle? I absolutely CANNOT sneeze in front of ANYONE. I do not understand how it works because I know LOTS of people who claim that they are absolutely UNABLE to hold in a sneeze or even resist for more than few seconds, but I can wait ALL DAY if I cannot get to a private place. It is something that has been true of me for years, even before I noticed... well... how I feel about others doing it.

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