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Sneeze Fetish Forum

so i told someone else....


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ok, so no secret that i like telling people about the fetish. most of my good friends know about it, some even go so far as to have me rate their sneezes on my "hot-o-meter"

well, i was having a night out with some friends... or night in, as it were, and we sat about drinking and playing board games for a bit (like the nerds we really are) and discussing various bits of random life trivia... it was SpiderMonkeyOnCrack, who is like a brother to me, his GF and one of her friends.

*insert a series of unfortunate events leading to a heartfelt confession of the depths of my sex life* (which will NOT be discussed here! :bleh: this discussion is all-ages-appropriate :bleh: ) and from there, somehow it slipped in that i had a fetish... (well, i know how it slipped in, but im not telling that either :bleh: ) now then... they were trying to tease it out of me what it might be...

Guess 1: foot... at wich point i went :) not that ive got anything against the suckers, they get us around quite well, but they arent exactly my bag of chips....

*insert hint* its a bodily function

Guess 2: farting... :bleh:

*insert twitching facepalm action here*

Guess 3: sneezing... yup...they actually guessed it... and i admitted that was it... no big deal, right?


so the first thing SMOC said was that it was weird... which would have normally led me into my "its not weird, its a great thing, look at how easy it is, see all the possibilities, yadda, yadda, yadda...." but well, what he did next completely shut me up. he looked at me, batted his eyelashes and put on his best falsetto voice before smirking out "a-choo!" and shuddering like the hyenas in The Lion King (right when tehy start saying Mufasa, and they shiver and say "oooh, say it again") still in falsetto, he kept this up with an "oooh baby! do it again...." smiling suggestively and shaking his shoulders like a wonderful drama queen.

this lasted quite a while, with him inserting random "a-choo!''s into the conversation anytime he felt it was getting too serious, always followed with him shivering and saying "ooh baby!" and me facepalming... i think he may try to use this to torment me from now on.... and im sure anytime CB sneezes around the two of us, it will result in hastily stifeled laughes and raucous chuckles... i doubt it will be much longer before the whole dojo knows.... oh yeah... and he threatened to find the forum and read all my sneakings about... *this could be fun* hehehe....

ok...so back to the torment, er night of trauma, er story... well, after a few minutes, of sneezy-torture-game, i made the biggest mistake of my life...and burped... (yes, i know, heinous crime! :D ) well, he cut his eyes at me, and began the whole "ooh baby...do it again!" at me... so of course....i burp again... (im talented like that! ;) ) and this continues for the rest of the night, with him teasing me about my sneezing fetish, and me teasing him about his "burping fetish", and us driving his GF and her friend nuts....

so yus.. i've told another three people... *big cheesy grin* and while this will most likely come back to haunt me, as i spend a lot of time around these people, and they know things about me now... it was definately a good ending, and im sure this will be the butt of many jokes from here to time eternal. ;

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Yay for goofy "confession" stories! :drool: Although... were it me... I would be visiting great violence upon SMOC for the fake sneezing. I cannot abide badly faked sneezes, whatever their intent.

Here's to another well-received discussion of our most excellent fetish! : :(

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:( well, he does judo as well, so i visit great violence upon him regularly... but i don't mind it since he's not even trying to make it sound realistic... he was literally just saying "ah-chew" no intonation or breathing hitches at all... i thinks thats part of what made it so darn funny....

of course, i have to ride in a van with him and CB (the sensei of my obs') for a few hours tonight... and well, CB always fits... and yeah... :drool: this might get interesting....

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My, oh my. :dead: Pants-flamage and interesting swerves of the van will abound, I'm sure. :(:drool:

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Well, if that was an example of an admission being well-received, it certainly explains those people who say that most of their admissions have been well-received. It's difficult to imagine what it must be like to have them badly received.

It reinforces my determination and advice not to tell anyone unless you completely trust them AND are in bed with them.

You have my every sympathy, Chui. What a bunch of insensitive bastards. But perhaps I am not supposed to say that.

I'm confused; so nothing new there.

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Why do people always assume farting when you say its a bodily function? Of the 4 people I've told in my lifetime, 3 of them assumed it was the passage of gas when I gave them the hint of 'bodily function'. Maybe all of our friends are just horribly immature...

Anyhow, kudos to you for having the courage to tell more people. There are a few people in my life I'd like to tell, but I doubt I'll have the courage to ever do so. Maybe after a few too many drinks... :hypoc::whistle:

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:whistle: no... there wasn't any of that floating about... :whistle::blushing:

and really Count, he's just teasing. I dno't mind it in the slightest, in fact I find it extremely amusing. Personally, i cannot wait for the next time someone fits around me and him... :) it's sure to make for good times.

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