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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Thank goodness I use kleenex and not handkerchiefs!


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I swear, I would be SO switching to tissues right now if I *did* use handkerchiefs. Been blowing my nose almost constantly, long gurgly blows, usually taking several tissues at a time for the last three days. The cold my kids had been passing back and forth finally side-tracked and hit me broadside. I never knew my sinuses could produce so much! But I'm glad I've got kleenex (ultra, nice and soft!) and not handkerchiefs, because I wouldn't want to have to toss that yellowish mess into my washing machine. I'm more than happy to toss it into the trash and not see it anymore!

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I swear, I would be SO switching to tissues right now if I *did* use handkerchiefs. Been blowing my nose almost constantly, long gurgly blows, usually taking several tissues at a time for the last three days. The cold my kids had been passing back and forth finally side-tracked and hit me broadside. I never knew my sinuses could produce so much! But I'm glad I've got kleenex (ultra, nice and soft!) and not handkerchiefs, because I wouldn't want to have to toss that yellowish mess into my washing machine. I'm more than happy to toss it into the trash and not see it anymore!

I use to feel the same way, but I have learned the error of my ways

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Dear me, you poor thing. It's very nice of you to tell us about your nasal prowess, though.

Oh, I keep saying this, but if you boil your hankies, apparently that makes them all better and you don't have to put them in a washing machine.

Erm, I don't suppose you've been sneezing at all, have you?

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unfortunately not - had a couple of random ones yesterday, but nothing else since. This is simply the type of cold where you drown in your own bodily fluids. Still blowing tons and coughing up a lot of ickyness, but no sneezing at all (which is odd for me). :wub: All the yuck with none of the yay to go with it :bleh:

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