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loudest honk ever


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i love when females give loud nose honks especially when usinc 2 hands like this one pretty girl fron long ago please share similar stories with me

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i love when females give loud nose honks especially when usinc 2 hands like this one pretty girl fron long ago please share similar stories with me

Loud honks...may favorite. Had an old girlfriend...well, a friend actually who had the loveliest shapely nose imaginable. largish nostrils that would get good and chapped when a cold invaded. One particular winter day she had a doozy. I could tell instantly...both sides of her nose were raw from what she told me was a night of monster blowing. She proceeded to reach in for a yellow tissue rolled among many in a ball and let out the loveliest honkingest honk you could image. It would end in a very nasal "uggg...this cold is killig be".

What a memory.


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i love when females give loud nose honks especially when usinc 2 hands like this one pretty girl fron long ago please share similar stories with me

this girl sounded like a trombone

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Got a couple going way, way back in time. One time in high school, I was coming out of the restroom and this girl was rushing in with hankerchief in hand. A few seconds later, I hear this huge honk that sounded like somebody blowing one of those plastic horns you get at fairs and amusement parks. It took me by surprise as I don't recall hearing a honk like that from a woman before that and also because she was somewhat petite. I think it also surprised whoever was in there with her as I heard a couple of "WTF was that" type of comments. Anyway, I lurked by a drinking fountain by the restroom to hear more. She let out a few more honks and sneezed a couple times and that was it.

Another time I was at a book store at a mall when the girl working behind the counter sneezed and blew her nose ending with a small honk. That must've opened a floodgate because she started blowing these monster honks. They were not only very loud, but also very long and she put a lot of effort in some of those blows, sometimes bending over in the proccess. This went on constantly the entire time I was in the store, which must've been at least half an hour or more.

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Around may there was the most horrendous summer cold going around our workplace and when i caught it it combined with my summer allergies to turn me into one hell of a mess. If i could have physically chopped my nose off I probably would have just to alleviate the constant need to sniff, the loud wet and often exasperating sneezes that would start to come out then disappear and then as soon as i put down my tissues to carry on working would come flying out with no warning, it was driving me crazy. In order to be able to concentrate at work during the days i took sudafed (ahh blessed sudafed the enemy of the fetishist) along with my antihistamines and that worked wonders at clearing me up, but in order that i could take a dose that would allow me to sleep there would be a period of about three hours in the evening where i would be at the complete mercy of the cold. My nose would fill and I would just sit there sneezing harsh wet and desperate sounding sneezes and after i finished sneezing would then have to grab another batch of tissues to try and clear my nose so that i could at least try to breathe through it... i can tell you now that that was most definetly a losing battle. I would sit there, bring the tissue to my nose, take as deep a breath as i could and then blow with everything that i had. They were wet, they were gurgling and they were messy. I would then close over my right nostril and try to blow out my left until it was clear, and then would repeat the process for my right nostril... i swear that with the loudness of these blows i could have replaced a coastal foghorn!! This process would provide relief for maybe five seconds before my nasal passages started to fill with mucus again and the need to sneeze would reemerge and the whole process would start again. It was some cold and it took me through three boxes of tissues and about a dozen travel packs whilst it was ongoing.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest nose lover

i remember a few yrs ago there was this girl in my class...pretty curvy hourglass figure...attractive. everytime she got up from her seat id always stare at her to see where she was going(always hoping she'd go for the tissue)...wow did she have a loud sexy honk!! and she did that repeatedly with just 2 tissues...HONK!...HONK!...HONK!...about a good 4-5 times...ahhh it was great ;)

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