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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Okami fanfic (F)

Guest Twye

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I'm not sure if anyone here has played the video game Okami (released for PS2 and Wii), but I decided to write a fic about it anyway. :lol: It might be a little hard to understand if you haven't played the game, but I hope you all enjoy it. ;)


"Come on, furball! I've helped you all the way here, and I expect you to do this one favor for me," Issun, the inch-tall Poncle, pleaded. He bounced on Amaterasu's head impatiently.

Amaterasu, the great sun god in the form of a wolf, looked around and grunted a bit. She wasn't very interested in the idea of trying to make Sakuya, the wood sprite, sneeze.

"It's easy! Just use that Lucky Mallet of yours!"

Ammy lifted her head sharply and bit Issun.

"Ouch! Stop it Ammy! A handsome guy like me should never be covered in wolf slobber!" he complained.

Issun poked her with his sheathed sword Denkomaru. She immediately scowled and spit him out in a hurry.

"There we go. Now let's get this started! You just use that lucky mallet of yours and go into Sakuya's nose while I go in her kimono!" Issun grinned from ear to tiny ear.

Ammy whimpered slightly but didn't object. Issun hopped over to Sakuya's tree.

"Hey, Sakuya! How's it going, babe?"

Sakuya appeared in a pink shimmer. Issun flushed for a moment then started talking to her in his odd, but typical, fashion.

Amaterasu summoned the Lucky Mallet, and let it shake over her several times. She was reduced to the size of a dust bunny and was sucked into Sakuya's left nostril.

It was rather windy in her nose due to the constant breathing. Ammy padded gently deeper into Sakuya's nose and it started to twitch in reaction. There was a speck of dust clinging to one of her nose hairs, and Ammy faithfully dislodged it, sending it deep into her nasal passages with a powerful Galestorm.

Meanwhile, Issun had successfully lodged himself in Sakuya's kimono without her noticing yet. He rested on her chest while he awaited his dream come true.

While the dust was working wonders on Sakuya's nose, Amaterasu also ran up and down her nose to tickle it further. When she stepped on a certain spot, Sakuya would take a deep, shaking breath. Ammy remembered these spots for later.

Issun watched as Sakuya gasped with the urge to sneeze. He could feel that it was almost there, but it just wouldn't come out. He bounced on her chest each time she took in another breath.

Ammy also noticed that Sakuya was ready to sneeze any moment. She sprinted to the most sneezy spot she remembered finding and tickled it with her paws.

"H'h..." Sakuya took a breath to fuel a sneeze.

"Huh...HEH..." Issun squirmed slightly as he awaited what was going to be the best moment of his long-lived life.

"HEH...HET-CHEW!! HihSHOO! HUTCHOO! ESHEW!" Sakuya had a humongous sneezing fit due to Ammy's constant tickling. Issun sighed in sheer pleasure as he bounced around in her kimono.

After a lengthy five minutes of forceful and desperate sneezing, Issun finally hopped away from Sakuya and Amaterasu followed.

"Great job, furball! You're not half bad at that! We'll have to do that again...heh heh," Issun grinned again. He resumed his spot on Amaterasu's head and together they raced into Shinshu Field.


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Love the story! :rollfast: I have played Okami and really enjoy the game. I have to admit if I had the Lucky Mallet I would probably do the same thing :P

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