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Sneeze Fetish Forum

does anyone else remember

Guest rezeensy

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Guest rezeensy

I was on youtube the other day and I say a title Sneezing Doll and although it was someone faking a sneeze for a doll it brought back a childhood memory.

On x-mas I just had to have this doll that sneezed. I was maybe 5 or six and I begged my parents/Santa to get it for me. I did receive the doll, I think it was called Baby Sneezy or Baby Sneeze A lot. The sneezes were of course somewhat disappointing to someone who admired sneezing so much. The doll worked by squeezing the tummy at which point the dolls head would go back and she would make a wheezing hooo noise. I would squeeze her tummy several times softly then one hard one that was the best part making the doll hitch. Yes, for some of us the fetish goes way back and very deep.

Sorry for being long but the question was does anyone else remeber this Doll or has anyone else owned this doll?

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Bless You Baby Tenderlove from Mattel sometime in the '70s. There was one available on ebay a while back.

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