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New Olympic Event!


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So what do you think? Olympic Sneezing!!!!

There could be team sneezing, and of course, individual all around

Imagine the medal ceremonies, especially for those that are allergic to roses LOL


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Yes, yes... this has potential! There are possibilities!

Well... as for the actual Olympic games, I doubt it would ever be an event. :lol: But there could be world competitions of some sort. :)

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Oh, to be a judge at the sneezing Olympics!

As has been suggested, there would have to be various events; speed sneezing, and its reverse, where competitiors would have to hold back for the first minute and then sneeze during the second. A bit like cycling really.

But best of all would be the individual sneezing from a single stimulus. of one's choice. Marked by the judges on different criteria; fuenf komma neun, fuenf komma neun, etc.

But what would each performance be judged on; frequency, power, messiness, girliness, nostrilwork; the list is endless. Would hankiework count as a related competition?

Which reminds me; what happened to that clip of a Japanese game show where the audience had to pick the girl who sneezes first...I think.

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Oh, to be a judge at the sneezing Olympics!

I think you have all missed what was the first obvious event that I would add... SYNCHRONISED SNEEZING!!!!

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How would one qualify for the Sneeze Games?

I, for one, am not in the 'athletic sneezing' league. :D I'd not win anything.

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I think you have all missed what was the first obvious event that I would add... SYNCHRONISED SNEEZING!!!!

Several people struggling to sneeze all at the same time... :D Hehe, I'd watch synchronized sneezing like a madman!

How would one qualify for the Sneeze Games?

I suppose you would have to find a team of people who have really bad allergies or something. :laugh: I wouldn't win anything in athletic sneezing either. I'm lucky to sneeze even once in a day. :drool:

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Speed Sneezing - After a set time of exposure to a stimulus of the athlete's choice, the number of full sneezes produced in 60 seconds is counted, and the winner is that athlete with the most.

Marathon Sneezing - After a set time of exposure to a stimulus of the athlete's choice, the length of time the sneezing continues after the stimulus is removed is counted, and the winner is that athlete who lasts the longest (for competitive purposes, sneezing has "stopped" when the sneezer has gone a full 120 seconds without sneezing).

Relay Sneezing - Teams of two athletes are put under continuous exposure to stimuli of their choice (different stimuli for members of the same team is acceptable if requested) and are required to sneeze in relays, two from one followed by two from another. Teams are judged based on how many "relays" they are able to complete before one of the teammates sneezes out of turn.

Holding Back Sneezing - After a set time of exposure to a stimulus NOT chosen by the athlete, but chosen based on input from compulsory allergy testing and medical history (i.e., their most severe upper-respiratory allergen), they are required to NOT sneeze for as long as is possible. Athletes would be judged on the length of time they are able to go without a sneeze, and can be allowed up to three stifles as long as they are completely held in and are not one after the other.

Okay... it's official... we HAVE to do this, guys. :P:drool:

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OMG. I would be too embarrassed to watch. Especially that "holding back sneezing" event. Of course, I'd probably be good at that one myself, but I'd be too embarrassed.... Oh dear. :crawls into a dark place to hide:

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:) WOW! you guys know how to make a woman's heart flutter and the rest of her tingle! We MUST DO THIS THING! we'll start....



...just as soon as I can upload/download content... ;)

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Okay, I'm signing up now. :omg: Let's see...

~ Men's Individual Pepper

~ Men's Team Pepper

~ Men's Individual Q-Tip

~ Men's Team Q-Tip

~ Men's Speed Sneezing, Individual

~ Men's Speed Sneezing, Team

~ Men's Marathon Sneezing

~ Men's Power Sneezing, 64 KG class

~ Men's Fake Sneezing

~ Judge/Audience Member for ALL Women's Events!!! :P

(I could see more medals than Michael Phelps :lol:)

So... who wants to make a list of other events? :D

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I want to do this too!! I don't know what event! Maybe a relay..? I am highly competitive and I can play dirty...keep an eye on your pepper stash that I didn't switch it with salt and spray paint it black and grey! haha.

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all the suggestions so far are awesome! lets see, what else can be added........

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I like the idea of an inducing event more.

Teams could be inducers and (non-)sneezers (resistors?) analogous to football, which favours specialist inducers and resistors, or all try to make the others sneeze in turns, like cricket or baseball, which means that specialist inducers also have to be able to resist and resistors to induce to make a winning team.

Inducers would try to make the opposite team sneeze and resistors not to succumb and visa versa. It would be a sort of match play.

Inducing implements would have to be regulation design. Perhaps with a fully experimental class allowed.

Cheats would no doubt either try to line their noses, use anti hay fever drugs or alternatively dope with new irresistible sneezing powder developments.

Scoring would be by most sneezes induced in a given time, with rules on stifling (what is and what is not a sneeze) needing close invigilation.

The possibilities are for same sex teams and mixed teams, men inducing girls, girls inducing men etc.

Costume would have to be bikinis for girls and speedo trunks for men to prevent any hidden aids, but this might make a fetish member of the team rather obvious.

I can see spin off TV games for couples competing.

All sorts of new sneezing practice aids might become available.

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helios, You're a genius!

If I only had a bikini. And a partner for such an event.

Say, this would make an awesome mixer! Albeit, a cheap one... maybe find a nice big field, bring in some tents, a generator, pop-up a pavilion... definately a mild-weather event.

We could even (voulentarily) get up on stage, induce in the maner of our choosing, and vote for the sneeze king/queen... with prizes for the 3 highest voted... A nose-shaped pepper shaker (hey, with ebay, you could find it!), a customized tissue box cover, and a feather duster signed by the admins, complimentary hankerchief for all entrants.

That's it. We are schedualling a SFF convention somewhere in the world, and the sneeze olympics will be heald. What country do we have the most members in right now?

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That's it. We are schedualling a SFF convention somewhere in the world, and the sneeze olympics will be heald. What country do we have the most members in right now?

Hmmm... undecided between UK, USA and Canada, I'd wager. Anyone care to do some statiscal work on the member list? *not it!* :)

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Speed Sneezing - After a set time of exposure to a stimulus of the athlete's choice, the number of full sneezes produced in 60 seconds is counted, and the winner is that athlete with the most.

Marathon Sneezing - After a set time of exposure to a stimulus of the athlete's choice, the length of time the sneezing continues after the stimulus is removed is counted, and the winner is that athlete who lasts the longest (for competitive purposes, sneezing has "stopped" when the sneezer has gone a full 120 seconds without sneezing).

Relay Sneezing - Teams of two athletes are put under continuous exposure to stimuli of their choice (different stimuli for members of the same team is acceptable if requested) and are required to sneeze in relays, two from one followed by two from another. Teams are judged based on how many "relays" they are able to complete before one of the teammates sneezes out of turn.

Holding Back Sneezing - After a set time of exposure to a stimulus NOT chosen by the athlete, but chosen based on input from compulsory allergy testing and medical history (i.e., their most severe upper-respiratory allergen), they are required to NOT sneeze for as long as is possible. Athletes would be judged on the length of time they are able to go without a sneeze, and can be allowed up to three stifles as long as they are completely held in and are not one after the other.

Okay... it's official... we HAVE to do this, guys. :twisted:;)

Oooo, this sounds even better than the real olympics!!! When do we start trying to pull this together?!?!? lol

I, unfortunately would not be much of an athlete. The best I've ever done is 4 sneezes in a row, and that was just last week...booo, no medals here, but would love to see them (and hear them) being handed out! Go Canada Go :goof:

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  • 4 weeks later...

how about for how long you can go without sneezing. take people and expose them to what they are allergic to, and they have to hold out as long as they possibly can.

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