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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Never sneezed in front of husband

Guest Wish I Could...

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Guest Wish I Could...

this is my 1st post on here & I have a really closeted sneeze addiction......

I wass just wondering if others out there are timid & afraid of sneezing like me. I am not a sneezy person - not daily, not even weekly (although I am going to track how often it does happen!). Thing is I have been with my husband for 10 years & he has never seen me sneeze! My best friend has been in my life since I was 8 & she has never seen me sneeze. Do other people not view that as wierd or is it just me (who can remember all the sneezes of all her friends and ex's)?

I would LOVE to be able to sneeze in front of people but I can't - not even in a store where I don't know anyone! Not even in my backyard (what if a neighbour hears!)....why is that and how can I get past it?? I want the freedom to just sneeze like a normal person. Every day I observe others doing it & I just can't! Any help for the newbie?

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Welcome to the forum! I have the same problem as you do. :) I personally have trouble sneezing in front of others because I'm afraid of getting into an awkward conversation about sneezing. My only advice would be to induce some sneezes when you're alone and make a habit of sneezing somewhat openly. Although, I realized (with the help of some of the people here) that nobody seems to notice sneezing as much as you think they do. Hope that was of help, since I'm not very good at giving advice. :)

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:) Just remember that sneezing is a perfectly natural and everyday experience for most people, regardless of how self-concious it makes you feel, so really, it's no more a big deal than if someone's overweight, goes out without spending 3 hours in front of the mirror, or is starting to go bald. It may make you uncomfortable, but most normal people don't give it a second thought, so go ahead and feel confident doing what's natural and being you! After all, when's the last time you were THAT judgemental of someone else's, oh, I don't know, mismatched socks? Now, inducing in public might get some stares, but just sneezing generally won't raise and eyebrow anywhere. Feel free to relax and enjoy life's little treats as they come to you, or to your nose, as the case may be.

And if someone does start talking about sneezing and you get uncomfortable, try to divert the subject. If they keep coming back, congradulations, you may have found another fetishist! Just let them know that it's making you uncomfortable and you'd rather not talk about why. Yes, it will probably be an awkward moment, but if they're any kind of decent person, they'll drop it before too long and it'll pass.

Welcome and Be Blessed!

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Seems perfectly normal to me.. I've been with my SO for 15 years and he's never seen me sneeze. I mean he knows of the fetish and indulges me quite often, but I've never sneezed infront of him.

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hi, and welcome to the forum. i think you will find a lot of people here have at least some hesitancy about sneezing in public. like Twye said, often there is the fear of it attracting unwanted attention, but really, they are right when they say for most people, it just doesn't seem out of the ordinary. a simple "bless you" in response, and then they let it go. i hope that you will enjoy your time here, and perhaps find a few "kindred spirits" to relate to.

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OMG!! Me too! I've been married for only seven years and a couple of months, but we were together over a full year before marriage, so figure a little over eight... close to nine... and he's never seen me sneeze either. Of course NO ONE has seen me sneeze in years. I would say probably since I was nine or ten years old. Maybe younger. Is that crazy or what? Am I the only one like that?

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Do you still sneeze in private? Do you ever feel the urge to sneeze in front of him and suppress it? I know I stifled silently for many years for the same reason but I never managed to suppress it so far that I didn't sneeze at all and once I decided to stop stifling it took a while but I rarely do it now and I can sneeze in front of people.

If you want him to hear you sneeze, just to see what the reaction is, could you induce when he's in the next room or something? Just to get used to the idea of him hearing you? Some people just seem to naturally sneeze very rarely anyway and it's hard to see a way round that.

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I totally agree with Vetinari. You can try inducing when you are in another room or on the phone. I used to induce on the phone and even fake sneezes to know mu bf's reaction as he had never heard or seen me sneeze. He didnt know ofcourse that I am inducing but expressed his concern. But i came over it and manage to sneeze naturally when I am around him if the tickle in my nose is strong enough (which is rare) :P

And I also agree with everyone else, that sneezing is not given a second thought by non-fetishts, so dont worry. Sneeze it out!!

And Welcome to the forum!!!

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Yes, welcome. It seems that many people around here have a block when it comes to sneezing around others.

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Welcome! Can't think of anything to say that hasn't already been said, so I'll just leave it at that! :innocent:

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Welcome to the forum!

I think that you should first get used to your own sneeze, by inducing in the mirror and feeling comfortable sneezing when you are alone. Then take baby steps, such as inducing with the windows open, inducing when the windows are open with the neighbor outside, inducing in the next room to your husband. The worst thing that can happen is that someone acknowledges that you sneezed, which is not bad at all. Notice how when someone else sneezes how your husband reacts, if he blesses them or makes any comment or ignores it. If you sneeze, your husband and your friend aren't going to love you any less than they already do! I hope this helps! Let us know of any progress! :o

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