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Last night while talking with Chui, I asked her what she liked about a certain sneeze sound. She described the anatomy of the sound in such detail and sensuality, I was quite impressed and somewhat embarrassed :)

I would invite her to post a summary of what she said to me last night, if she is comfortable doing so, but the point of this post is to ask if any of you ever do a detailed analysis of exactly what it is about a certain sneeze sound, or the aspect of a sneeze, that you love most. The critique was quite thorough and really unexpectedly so, since I've never actually sat down and critiqued (even in my head) a sneeze I liked or disliked. I was actually quite amazed that her response was so detailed and particular.

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if chui would feel comfortable, it would be great if she could share - only if comfy of course!

i never really had thought about this until you wrote it here. this sounds like some fun homework - i'll be sure to post the results of my investigations! :hug: now only if we can find someone who will sneeze :twisted:

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This sounds like a wonderful idea, though I'm not sure exactly what is meant, until I get hold of the original description.

Do you mean that, for example, the beginning of a sneeze can just consist of a silent inhalation, indicating the sheer girliness of the sneezer, or can involve a huge and crescendoing noise, at a pitch which has never been suspected , and a volume which seems impossible, indicating, as it seems, an inevitabiltiy, a desperation, a loss of control hitherto unforeseen from such an unbending person; until. that is....

No, perhaps not.

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and they have finally given up! *i showed those forces of nature who was boss* :blushing::cry:

ok...well... since im being invited to, as well as asked to...i shall try to remember what all exactly i said...

*intially what drew me to said sound was the timbre of the voice... a soft, yet sensual sound, giving a hint of maturity, but not losing the delicate nature so rarely found in feminine voices. i dont mean one of those simpering sounds, but a feminie voice that calls to mind women like Sophia Loren for sheer gravity and intrigue...

*a repetitive hitching breathe, as if the person grows more adn more desperate with each one, you can feel the intensity build, even though the sound doesnt increase...

*a sharpness with a hint of moisture to it... one of those desperate sounds, but not overdone... almost delicately desperate. ive never heard a man be able to do this... and have only heard a few women pull it off, but it is actually amazing to hear this... and it most often is found within the first syllable.

* a drop in pitch/volume for the middle syllable, as if the person's body is almost trying to catch up, or regain control, when in fact all they can do is take a short pause...

*a hissing ending, but not overdone... as if the person doesnt even realize they are doing it, it lends magic to the sounds, a promise of a faint mist, and a soft exhale to follow...

* a sigh after.... i admit, im completely undone when a woman sighs after, not one of those huge sighs, but an involuntary release from the body, as if to say...its over....

hmm... now im sure there was more that i said... but this is what comes to mind... while im trapped in teh recesses of my lab... should i think of any more, ill add it in later... but i think this might give you an idea of the type of sounds that weaken my knees and set my heart aflutter....

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Such descriptive talent, my dear... Bravo. Rarely does one see a masterpiece such as this, such a way with words transcribing such a delicious event... Like giving a phenomenal landscape artist the world's best paint, brushes and canvas, and having them paint the waters of the Atlantic... doing beauty justice. :hypoc:

(I'd like to hear such a sort of description applied to your own, though... whoops, did I say that part out loud? :))

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Golly, this is fantastic! But I've lost track; was this a real sneeze as observed, or an ideal sneeze as found in heaven?

I'm a bit overwhelmed. But there is nothing like a good multiple inhalation; although I can't currently decide whether each should be as desperate as the last, creating the impression that the person is longing for a good sneeze but can't get it to build properly, or whether they should increase in desperation and frequency until a climax is reached in the moment of pre-exhalation ecstasy. Hmm.

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I find that what I enjoy the most about a sneeze isn't really the sound, for me. I like the motion the person makes the most, and the cute face at the end of a sneeze, or the pre-sneeze face, if I don't turn my head away from the person before hand (I usually do).

As for sound, well done with the description chui. I have never seen such description, especially for a sneeze sound. My description for the motion of a sneeze still couldn't be compared to yours of the sound :(

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TYS: *swats at* no way am i talking about *mine* like this... :):D:)

Count: it was most definately a real sound... a real fifty or so of them.... i did have to ask for a few repeats... you know, for purely scientific reasons to have it accurate and all :twisted:

DL: why thank you... and you know, i bet if you set out to write about the motions in ever little detail, you would do it beautifully... i tend to prefer the motions more than the sounds myself, and it might be interesting to read that....

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Count, never you mind ;)

(that was actually chui's critique of my sneezes, which made me blush furiously, and get ridiculously aroused all at the same time). Woman's got a way with words.

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Thank you for that wonderful discription Chui! It's so sensual even if you don't know what exactly you are talking about! You have an amazing way with words - i think this may have actually made me blush! ;)

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Well, what can I say? Certainly, if i were ever to hear a triple inhalation so desperate that it was fully voiced, a sneeze that combined with obvious girly wetness a trisyllabic partition where the first and last were high-pitched and yet the middle was oddly low-pitched, [ and I were to listen to it over and over again for a few hours], I would obviously regard it as one of the best sneezes I had ever heard.

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