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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Carrie Bradshaw


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"Hello?" Carrie barked into her cell phone, already annoyed that she was late for lunch with her 3 best friends.

"Oh, hey Samantha. Yeah, I know I'm late. I'll be there in two minutes and something with alcohol better be waiting for me by the time I'm there." She said right before hanging up and dropping her pink phone back into her Louis Voitton bag.

She stumbled into the restaurant and scanned the sitting area, placing her friends immediately. She walked over to the table and was greeted with a round of "Hellos" and "How are yous". She quickly sat down and, before uttering a single word, gulped down some of her Cosmo that had been waiting, just as she requested.

"Anyway, we were just talking about Miranda's new boyfriend!" Charlotte explained in her usual giddy manner.

"Wanna hear the best part?" Samantha prodded. "They haven't fucked yet, Carrie. Not once."

"Thank you." Miranda said, sarcastically. "It's just that we haven't really found a good time yet."

"Well, I for one, think it's adorable." Charlotte shared. "What do you think, Carrie?"

"Well..." Carrie started slowly, trying to take everything in. "I think it's great for you, Miranda. If you really like this guy, then move at your own pace."

"See, Samantha, that's what I was trying to tell you." Miranda exclaimed.

Samantha and Miranda started bickering when Carrie dropped her menu, brought her index finger up under to her nose and closed her eyes. She waited for a couple seconds, brought her hand back down, sniffled and returned to her menu, shaking her head. Charlotte put her hand on Carrie's arm and, not wanting to interrupt the now heated discussion that was brewing, and half whispered to Carrie.

"You okay, hon?" She asked.

Carrie looked up to her and smiled. "Oh, yeah! I'm fine. It's nothing."

A few seconds later, Carrie felt another tickle in her nose. She put her menu down, turned her shoulders away from the group and brought one cupped hand up to her mouth. HNNXG-choo. She waited, and then turned back to her friends, who had finally stopped fighting.

"Bless you!" Charlotte said to Carrie, who was now taking another sip of her favorite mid-afternoon drink.

"Oh...thanks." Carrie said back to her with a smile.

"Does anybody know what they're getting, because I can't even remember if this place is any good." Samantha bitched.

"I think I'm just gonna get something small. I have to be home for dinner with Brady in a couple hours, anyway." Miranda told her.

"I still have no idea." Carrie added.

"Well, you've got about thirty seconds to decide because the waiter's back." Miranda warned her.

"Shit...alright, but you guys go first."

While the other girls ordered, Carrie felt her nose start to tickle again. She rubbed at it, but it remained. She closed her eyes and began a small sneezing fit.

NHHGGXXT. huh-NGXXT. She stifled the sneezes as not to make a scene. The waiter was about to ask for her order when she realized that the fit was not quite over. She brought both hands up to her face and bent in her chair, closer to the table, with each sneeze. Tshchoo. Hhh...tsshhhh. Ahtchoo. She quickly back sat up to face the waiter, who had blessed her after every sneeze.

"Sorry about that...can I just have a garden salad?" Carrie asked him.

"Sure, ma'am. Would you like me to bring out some tissues?" He offered.

"No thanks, we have some!" Charlotte told as she passed a couple off to Carrie, who was thanking the waiter as he left.

"Thanks, Char." Carrie said.

"Oh, you're welcome." She answered.

"You okay, Car? What's with the sneezing?" Miranda asked her.

"Are you getting a cold? Because I have to be healthy. I have four dates in the next 48 hours and I intend to go on, and get fucked by, every one of them." Samantha graphically explained.

"Oh, no, guys, don't worry. I'm fine! Ooh, hold on." She said as she picked up her ringing phone.

"Hey, Big. No, I'm out to lunch with the girls. Yeah. Okay, how about 8 o'clock? Okay, that sounds...wait...huhCHOO. hehcshooo. Ooh. Sorry. I know. I'm fine! Okay, you too! Bye." Carrie hung up the phone and looked to her friends, who all looked concerned.

"What?!" Carrie pleaded.

"We think you should go home, you're getting sick." Charlotte told her.

"Guys, come on! So, I sneezed a couple times, I have to leave? What, am I ten years old?" Carrie fought back.

"Fine, but if we hear one more sneeze, we're forcing you out." Samantha joked.

"Yeah, okay. So, Samantha. Who are all these guys you're going out with tomorrow?" Carrie asked.

"Oh well one of them I met at yoga..." Samantha started to explain how she met all of these 'horribly sexy' men, when Carrie felt the need to sneeze again. She squeezed her nose shut with her index finger and thumb, just to prevent anything, but each time she took it away, the urge returned.

She finally interrupted Samantha's story and said, between hitched breaths, "Okay...you guys win."

She picked up her napkin and covered her mouth, exploding into another fit. Hehtchooo. Hahschoo. NGGGHXTchoo. Huhhh...chooo. EHTCHOOO!

"Fuck, Carrie!" Samantha exclaimed.

"I think she meant to say 'Bless you'" Charlotte recovered.

"Ughh...alright guys. I think I should go now. Call me later?" Carrie said, defeated.

"Of course we will! Feel better, hon." Miranda told her as she walked out the door, sniffling and rubbing her nose as she had been all afternoon.

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