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Anyone here ever seen a massive nose blowing or runny nose crisis


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I had an all-day meeting/seminar type thing going on a few days ago and there was this guy (21 years old, 5'9, 160 lbs, dark hair, blue eyes (I think they were blue) who sat down. I didnt see the big deal he didnt seem to have an itchy nose.

Less then 15 minutes later as I was sitting there I notice he started rubbing his nose and his nose started to drip. It was sort of weird as he just sat there as his nose was getting ready to drip and he had no reaction. All the sudden his nose started to drip on papers one at a time (about 30 secounds or so it seems like his nose would drip). They had a little sink near by where some could wash there hands he walked over grabbed a huge wad of paper towels and about every 5 minutes blew his nose. They were extremely wet nose blows with no honks at all. After about 45 minutes he had used up all the towels in that area and his nose started once again dripping on papers. There was absolutely no tissues that he could see from his angle as he was sitting facing a different side then me.

At this point I decided enough was enough watching his nose drip all over papers, him wiping snot from his nose. So I decided to walk up and get that box of tissues that was laying around he couldnt see from that proximity. And I sat in on the table, but closer to another person who was sitting at the table. Mean while most of the people at the table were noticing his running nose crisis and one guy decided to move the box of tissues I had placed on the table closer to him. It seemed like for the next hour he blew his nose with wet nose blows about every 5 minutes and with-in an hour he was down to one tissue. Basically, once he had tissues around he grabbed several at a time instead of one and he wasnt reusing them. So it took him just about an hour to go through 50 tissues

Ironically, during a break I saw him outside blowing his nose into a cloth (dont know where the cloth came from) almost constantly. Not to be nosey (no pun intended) but when I saw this I just had to walk outside and pretend I was getting a breathe of fresh air.

The most ironic thing is this guy was pretending that nothing was happrning and that this nose blowing which was probubly the most I have seen was normal. He didnt seem to have a cold either as he wasnt stuffy, coughing or sneezing he was just constantly blowing his nose with very, very wet blows with not a honk to be heared all day

Sorry, to have gone on with this vague observation. But anyone else here ever been in the midst of a massive runny nose crisis or nose blowing crisis?

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Actually, the guy sounds a little bit like me (except I'd be using a hanky). Cold temperatures (such as over air conditioned rooms) will do this to me.

By the way, nice obs!

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I agree with shy guy, could have been the air conditioning or possibly allergies. Did anyone else have to blow their nose? Were they better prepared LOL?

Seriously, someone should mentor this young man on proper workplace behavior. Dripping on papers is just disgusting, not to mention distracting. He needs to be prepared.

But thanks for the observation. :specool:

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Dripping on papers is just disgusting, not to mention distracting. He needs to be prepared.

Yes, I quite agree that he should have been prepared. It's too bad we can't send him a dozen cotton handkerchiefs!

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