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how often do you get to hear a sneezing fit you want to hear?


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I was wondering am I just very, very unlucky for hearing about 3 to 5 sneezing fits a year (more then 3) from men I think are visually appealing.

It seems like once every several months I hear a sneezing fit of more then three sneezes and then I have to wait another 3 or 4 months to hear another good sneezing fit that I want to hear.

I talked to a guy who said when he went to a university and lived in the dorms it was a weekly occurance of hearing sneezing fits.

Also, it seems like as far as far as "sneezing fits" I rarely, rarely see a massive sneezing fit. I saw 6 sneezes from a guy a few weeks and then several months back about the same number from a different guy. I think the last good sneezing fit of ten or more sneezes from a guy I found visually appealing was back in early 2006 so its been almost 3 years now since I have seen a good fit.

Hopefully, some day I get to hear lots of massive sneezing fits from someone who I want to see sneeze.

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I'm lucky to get to witness a fit at all .... Here and there I get 2 sneezes from someone, but even that's rare.

I would absolutely love to see someone in the middle of a massive fit.

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The last one i saw was around a month ago from my wife's cousin's wife. Prior to that, the last one i can clearly remember before that is back in High School. :yes:

I mean yeah, i have seen sneezing fits from men, but i don't actually pay attention, because male sneezing does nothing for me.

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Yeah I hate men. :yes: Anyway, for me it's very rare. But then again, I don't go out much.


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for me it's very rare. But then again, I don't go out much.


there's the root of the problem ;)

Just kidding bud :yes:

I don't go out very much either, aside from band practice, work, and family gatherings.

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Hehe. But no. You're actually right. You can't stay at home and expect the sneezes to come to you right?


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exactly right my friend!

I enjoyed when i worked at a gas station/ convenience store for a few months. Didn't get to see a whole lot of sneezes, but i did get to see a few.

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I'm at school for, like, 7 hours a day ... you think I'd get to see something. lol

So, whether you stay in, or go out, it's not a great big difference. Small one, yes .... but, you know what I mean. :yes:

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Generally speaking the only times i've witnessed sneezing fits with the exception of a few (who were work colleagues) they have all been people that I have lived with... the SO included... so either you need to find a sneezy housemate or just errrmm... not sure what else to suggest really.

P.S... the sneezy housemates I've had so far have all been luck more than anything else.

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I haven't really seen a really sneezy attractive guy have a fit of more than three. I noticed women usually have massive fits or sneeze a lot more but its usually not a turn-on for me. Its not fair. Some hot guy needs to have an allergy attack near me sometime before I die. haha.

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trade ya! LOL, i see mostly men having the sneezing. Apparantly we're living in the wrong areas :D

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A fit? Jesus.... I havent heard a good fit for 20 years now! :D

Thank GOD I still retain a portion of my memory (and a VERY active imagination.)

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I bet you're like me. I can forget what i had for Breakfast this morning, but i can still remember a lot of good sneezes i have seen/ heard.

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Depends how many sneezes constitutes a 'Fit' ...Upwards of 7 maybe?

Mmm, like everyone else, I can't say I've seen many exceeding that number in the last 15 years.

But anyway, for me, its always been quality over quantity.

However, if its quality AND quantity... :)

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Perhaps living in a big city and using public transport daily helps your average, and depending too on how strict your criteria for attractiveness are. When it comes to sneezing, mine are very broad, which must help. I have seen three sneezing fits from relatively attractive people in just over a week. One was in the train coming back from Lyon. A man of about 20 sneezed a slow 7 a bit too far away from me to get full value, but not bad all the same. Ditto a man in his mid thirties on the way to the metro station last week – I posted this one. Only six sneezes, and pretty weak ones at the end, but still, not a bad effort for early in the morning. And last night after having dinner at home with friends, one – mid thirties again – sneezed two doubles and one triple, sparking off a conversation about how he often sneezed multiple times without knowing why, and how he had allergy tests which all came out negative. But of the three fits, only one was in my own living room and the others in or near public transport.

PS Outdoor café terraces can be good places to observe too. Though this isn’t a fit, it did strike a chord with me : I was having a drink with some friends at one of these café terraces when the man sitting next to me (tables tend to be very close) bent over and sneezed away from everyone but quite openly, and, as it turned out, on my shoe. Looking at it, I realized it was quite wet, though the man was pointed looking away by then. Nice nevertheless.

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*sigh* i generally hear about one fit per year from a cute sneezy guy... for the past three years it been the same guy... :lol: but well... im not impatient or worried about it... i just take it for a special treat when it happens... and consider myself EXTREMELY lucky....

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Back in High School, I got to hear a good number of them... usually from girls who knew about my fetish and wanted to indulge me, actually. :lol: I also lived with my then-girlfriend back in 2006 for 6 months, and she induced more than one "fit," (I use the quotes because they were not induced using allergies, but rather with a matchstick) for me, and from December 2007 to July 2008 I lived with a very sneezy housemate who provided innumerable small fits (2-6), usually in the mornings or when we cleaned up and one very memorable occasion while re-arranging the living room (very dusty old house) that went upwards of 50 (not in a row, in starts and snags of 4-7), which I actually posted about in the Observations forum. :D

You may feel free to hurl tomatoes at me now. :P

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Hehe. Close enough Yard. But I have a better idea. Would you mind posting a linky winky to that obs of yours? :P


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I think this has to depend upon how many people you're mixing with and whether for example any of them are fit sneezers. When I worked in a big open plan office I was lucky enough to be in the presence of a Human Resources manager who would often have day long fits when she had a cold. Now I hardly ever see anyone so unsurprisingly seeing anyone sneeze at all is quite a rare experience although cold season is obviously here because Ikea the other day was filled with random sneezing and nose blowing.

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Well, definitely not as often as I used to. I was lucky enough to work with a guy who had the most amazing sneezes, and I would get a nice show about once a week or so. But, ever since he left, it's been sort of stale at work and otherwise. Every once in awhile, I get lucky and work with a cute guy who will sneeze, but it isn't as often as I would like, that's for sure.

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Never. :cry:

Do you mean you've never heard a sneezing fit that you enjoyed? Or you've never heard the one specific sneezing fit that you want to hear?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm wondering.... if a fit is like 6-7 sneezes or more, is there a limit on the spacing between the sneezes so it could qualify as a fit? I think remember about 3 fits in the last 2 years.... Two I only heared (I had my back to them) and one I witnessed full on (my boyfriend :notworthy: )

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