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Sneeze injuries


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Up until tonight, the worst thing that I have ever done whilst sneezing was bite down on my tongue, however to night my head was tilted to the side when all of a sudden a sneeze snuck up on me... well end of story I have slightly strained the muscles in my neck.

Soooo... I was wondering if anyone else has managed to injure themselves sneezing?

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I don't do it enough to injure myself, however, I've known several people who have thrown out their backs from sneezing. And I once read about a guy who had a horrible car accident because he couldn't stop sneezing. So, I guess it can happen.

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Twice, the tongue-biting incident ended in blood, which made everyone laugh around me. The second time I was in the middle of snapping my neck because it was stiff and one just snuck up on me. I couldn't turn my head 3 inches to the right for the rest of the day. I have funny things that happen to me.

I just sneezed and smashed my knee on the desk not even a minute after finishing that paragraph, I thought the irony would be appreciated.

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Well there are the occasional times I bite my tongue when sneezing. Then there are also times when the sneezes are really forceful I could end up various body parts being sore depending on what position I'm in(arms, neck, chest, etc).

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I once worked with a woman who knocked herself out cold from sneezing. She was in the bathroom at work when she sneezed, which pitched her forward, and she struck her forehead on the side of the sink. She gashed her head open, and passed out on the floor where someone else found her in a pool of blood. They revived her and made her go in an ambulance to the hospital where she got a few stitches in her head.

She was horribly embarrassed.

I recounted that scene in one of my sneezefics, because, as unbelievable as it sounds, it really can happen.

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I got a really bad nosebleed from sneezing once. It felt like I was punched in the nose...blood soaked my shirt. Yeah, tmi...sorry. Anyway, I think that was my worst.

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I am so glad that I have only pulled a muscle/strained a tendon in my neck as I have to say knocking yourself out/gaining a concussion from sneezing would certainly be far more embarrassing in comparison!

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I once sneezed and walked into an open cupboard door. Just at eye height. Gave myself a beautiful shiner. I told everyone I got in a bar fight. :drool::(

Still, at least it didn't land me in the emergency room. That would not be dignified.

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I once worked with a woman who knocked herself out cold from sneezing. She was in the bathroom at work when she sneezed, which pitched her forward, and she struck her forehead on the side of the sink. She gashed her head open, and passed out on the floor where someone else found her in a pool of blood. They revived her and made her go in an ambulance to the hospital where she got a few stitches in her head.

She was horribly embarrassed.

I recounted that scene in one of my sneezefics, because, as unbelievable as it sounds, it really can happen.

How did the person who found her know what happened? Did someone hear the sneeze followed by a banging noise?

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I remember a few years ago I was playing in a basketball game and my boyfriend was supposed to watch me play but he didn't show up until the last minute. I was so angry and confronted him. He was actually scared by how angry I was. He was like, "I'm sorry I'm sorry I threw my back out and I needed my dad to drive me here because I couldn't do it myself." That softened me a bit and when I asked how he threw his back out he told me he was walking his dog and he sneezed (his sneezes were really violent) and it jerked him foreward and he slipped on a patch of ice. He was forgiven right away. We broke up a few months later but we're still really good friends and every once in awhile I poke fun at him and bring it up.

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I sneezed into a desk one time. It sort of snuck up on me and the force of it caused me to head my head on the desk. My friends laughed at me after they realized I was alright. It was painful though.

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I sneeze and bang into things gently (both my head thrusting forward into things and simply trying to walk past things but being distracted by the sneeze), but I haven't strained a muscle sneezing, even though I have done that yawning.

I know it's not an actual injury, but there is a slight risk of drowning (due to my near-famous lack of any coordination or grace) when I sometimes sneeze while swimming. I wind up with my face dunked into the water, and the sneeze comes up in my face in a burst of bubbles. My friends and I always have a good laugh when I do that. It takes them 2 or 3 times seeing it to figure out that I'm not doing it on purpose just to be funny. Though it really is pretty funny.

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My friend once cracked/bruised her ribs from an sneeze attack, I don't know details because I wasn't there but she had a hard time breathing normally because the rib was pushing next to her lung.

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I've never actually damaged myself, but I did once destroy a top when one of those little plastic slider things that you alter the straps with snapped off. Luckily I was alone at the time.

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This is sad. When I was younger and first getting into this, I read a story on the internet about a teenage boy, whose sister wanted to play a practical revenge joke on him..so he covered his blankets, cloths, everything with sneezing powder. The stuff affected him so much and so long, that he had brain damage after. Sounds awful. Anyone else read this story (it might not even be true)??? Can anyone elaborate??

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Up until tonight, the worst thing that I have ever done whilst sneezing was bite down on my tongue, however to night my head was tilted to the side when all of a sudden a sneeze snuck up on me... well end of story I have slightly strained the muscles in my neck.

Soooo... I was wondering if anyone else has managed to injure themselves sneezing?

omg...my friend was leaning on my air hockey table in my basement and was covered in cat hair from playing with my cat, and we are all just talking when all of a sudden he sneezes (hes allergic to cats) and slides off the edge of the table and just kinda...falls. XD my friends and i laughed at him forever. :yes:

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Well, I haven't, but my dear friend did. She has a slipped disc in her back, which affects her when she does violent movements or heavy lifts, but this one time, it was so sensitive she was really badly hurt from a sneeze. The ambulance had to come to get her and she was drugged down on morphine for a week. She's at home now, awaiting operation, and is sicklisted for months. Because of ONE SNEEZE.

That is unfair. :yes:

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This is a self ob's from a couple years back but it go's right along with your question :hug:

OK I was on my break so I went over to this internet cafe thats just acouple stores down from were I work. Well I was checking the forum and suddenly had a strong tickle in the back of my nose. Well I quickly brought my hand up and began to pinch the bridge of my nose so hard that it brought tears to my eye's . Normally this will stop one of my sneezes in it's tracks but this time it felt like the sneeze was to far a head of me so anything I was going to try to do to stop it would be a futile effort . Just like I mentioned in a past post I just sat there frozen for a second or two until it finally came out like "HaCHOOO!". This sneeze was so strong that I instantly felt a sharp pain in my ribs on the right side of my chest . The girl who was sitting two computers down from me gave me one of those "Bless You!" were they say it like there making a statement instead of just acknowledging my sneeze . It's like "yes I know it was a loud sneeze, thank you for letting me know that you thought it was load as well ". Well after acouple moments of embarrassment my ribs are feeling better and I no longer feel like all eye's are still on me, the girl with the big nose and the sneeze that go's with it .

Since then I have had more of the really big sneezes that make my ribs ache afterwards, just like in this ob's :dead:

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Guest Hana-chan

Well, I always seem to hit my head on SOMETHING when I sneeze in public... not exactly as severe as slipping a disc in my back or fracturing a rib, but I have suffered some bruising (mostly to my ego :drool: ).

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I burnt my hand once (not too badly) because of a sneeze

I had made coffee for my wife & I and was just about to leave the lounge and go to the living room with 2 cups of coffee - when without warning I twitched and let out an almighty "HAAAACHOOOOO". My whole body shook violently, and the coffee in my right hand spilt onto my hand and burnt it- I swore %#@$ and dropped the cup which smashed on the floor, but managed to put the other coffee down without spilling it.

I had to run my hand under ice cold water for ages.... and it was sore for about 3 weeks afterwards!

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