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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Perfect Date

White Rose

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Lori was on her ten minute break at her side job at a hotel. She decided to to outside and see what her boyfriend, Jake was up to. They had only been dating a month, but Lori really liked him. She dialed his number and waited.


"Hey Jake, how are you doing?"



"I am really glad you called because, I love being with you and I was wondering if you would like to go out say.... Sunday night?"

"Sure, I would love that!"

"Good, because I made reservations at the Blue Lagoon for our one month anniversary."

Thats what Lori loved about Jake. When she was with him. it seemed like she was the only one that mattered in his world.

"That would be awesome Jake!"

"I'll pick you up around 6 ok?"

"Its a date!" Lori said


"Well, my break is almost over. I have to go!"

"Ok. See you Sunday! I love you!"

"Love you too!"

Lori was on her way home from her side job at The Ladybug Inn driving to her college dorm room. All of a sudden, she felt a small tickle in her nose and, HATCHEWW!

Lori had no allergies and she hardly ever sneezed. 'Oh no!' She thought to herself, 'I had better not be getting sick!'

She snuck into her dorm quietly trying not to wake her roomate, Nancy up. EH-HICHEW! Too late. Nancy came out of her small bedroom.

"Lor, is that you?" She called in a drowsy, half-asleep voice.

"Yeah. Sorry, I was tryig to be quiet but I blew it." she said, her voice thick with congestion.

"Speaking of blowing... you've got a little..." Nancy said, pointing to her nose and handing Lori a tissue.

"Ugh, sorry!"

"Thats ok. Are you feeling all right?"

"Yeah.... I'b fide." she replied, tring to hide her stuffy nose.

"Are you sure?" Nancy asked, "You look a little pale."

"Yes, i'b sure. Dodt worry about be."

"Ok, just get some sleep. You know where I'll be if you need anything."

Lori blew her nose, again clearing up her congestion.

"Ok, but dont count on it." Lori said, returning to her normal voice.

The next day was a Saturday, so Lori had all weekend to rest up.

Lori was in the kitchen, brewing a pot of coffee when Nancy walked in.

"What are you doing up so early?" Nancy asked, yawning.

"Ugh, I ehuhh... HEH... HEPCHEW!... couldnt sleep." she said, sniffling.

"Bless you hun. Are you..."

Before she could finish her sentance Lori was anticipating another sneeze. Her head tilted back, nose quivering, and eyes shut tight.


Nancy handed her a tissue. Lori wiped her nose and tried to ignore how lousy she felt.

"Are we still goig shoppig today? Lori asked

"I dont think thats a good idea." Nancy said

"Why?" Lori asked with her face hidden behind several tissues.

"Lor, you obviously dont feel good. I am going to take care of you!?

"I told you, I ab fide." She said, shivering.

"You are not fine Lori, you are shivering. It is summer in Arizona!" Nancy said

"So, I am just a little chilly."

Nancy led her to the couch.

"Why wont you let me take care of you?" she asked

"Because, I dodt deed takig care of."

"Come on Lor, Listen to your voice. You are sneezing every other minute, and you are shivering in the middle of July in the hottest state in America!"

Lori blew her nose, not meaning to interrupt Nancy.

"You cant tell me you dont need taking care of hun." She was again interrupted by Lori anticipating another sneeze.


"See? Come on Lor, you are my best friend, please let me help you!"

Lori finally gave up, feeling too tired to continue to fight back.

"Ok. Fide. I ab feelig a bit.... Well... Awful!"

"Awww! Lori. You just let me take care of things.

Nancy put a pillow at one side of the couch and helped Lori get settled. She got two blankets from the ceder chest and draped them over Lori. She got a box of tissues and placed them on the coffee table.

"Thadks Dadce" Lori said.

"No problem! Want some soup?"

"Sure, that would be dice."

While the soup heated up, Nancy sat on the end of the couch where Lori's feet were and noticed she was sweating.

"Are you hot hun?" Nancy asked.

"Doe, why?"

"You are sweating!"

"Oh... AH! AH...TCHEW!!"

Nancy got another tissue out of the box and handed it to Lori.

"Maybe I sould get the thermometer.

"Ok." Lori said, sniffling

Nancy got the thermometer and put it under her tounge. Then, the timer for the soup went off. As the soup cooled, the thermometer beeped.

"Aww! Love, you are burning up! 101!" Nancy said, feeling Lori's forehead.

Lori sniffled and grabbed a tissue.

"If by temperature is so high thed why ab I so cold?" She asked shivering

"I'll go grab another blanket."




"No need to thank me! I just want you to feel better!"

"Yeah. Be too!"

"The soup should be cooled off by now." Nancy said, as she put the third blanket over Lori.

"Nancy got the bowl of warm soup and a spoon.

"Here, this should warm you up!" she said, handing Lori the soup.

Lori let out an unexpected "Hih-CHEW!" all over Nancy's hands as she was giving her the soup.

"Ugh, Dadce, I ab so sorry!"

"No problem Lor, you didnt mean to!" She said, handing Lori yet another tissue.

"But you'll get sick."

"Eh, thats ok Lor. Besides, I need a few days off anyway. You should get some rest ok?"

"I dodt kdow how I'll be able to sleep. I cadt go fibe bidutes without sdeezig." Lori said, feeling another one coming on.

"Ah.. HITCHEW!" This time, she was careful to cover her mouth with a tissue.


"I think there's some Sudifed in the medicine cabnet."


"Here hun. This should help with all that sneezing!" Nancy said, handing Lori the pills.

Lori gulped the pill down with a glass of water.

"Is there anything else you need?" Nancy asked.


"Ok, if there is, I'll be in my room. Just holler!"

"K. Thadks for eberythig!"

"Anytime Sunshine!"

Lori fell asleep, as did Nancy.


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All over her hands....mmmm! I'm already wondering what Nancy's cold sneezes are like; apart from being messy and contagious, of course.

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Oh yes. Nothing better than a bit of messy contagion!

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