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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A sneeze fetishists heaven or hell?


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i think it would be cool go work there, although it might raise ethical issues.... and i hope they NEVER find a cure for the common cold :P

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Haha sneezedude. You could go in and sabotage everything on the quiet. There used to be one in Inverness and it was on the BBC "Holiday" Program once. The idea was you went to stay there for a week and they tried to infect you with a cold and then carry out tests. The Holiday program article, as far as I recall was a long clip of people sneezing. I really wanted to go. Sadly I've never managed to find a clip to see if it was as wonderful as my memory suggests.

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Vetinari, you're a genius. Not only could be sabotage the research, but steal as many cold germs as possible and sell them on the forum. :P

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After the war for a long time it was near Salisbury, and the great Lovelock worked there ; hence his friendship with Golding. I suspect it was really an MoD defence establishment.

He supposedly discovered that colds are not primarily airborne, but spread through contact with infected objects. He went on about it in his interview with Mark Lawson, which I'm sure must be available somewhere.

Eccles is primarily a cough man, sadly; if only he devoted more time to the sneeze...

Ethical problems? What, more of them? What can they be?

And just think if Golding had been inspired by Lovelock and written a sneeze-novel; "Lord of the Viruses".......

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