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Sneeze Fetish Forum

If you have allergies...


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A question for all those with sneezy allergies. Have you ever put yourself in the line of fire -- or thought about doing so?

I mean, if you have sneezy cat allergies, will you play with cats to cause a reaction? Or if freshly cut grass gives you a sneezing fit, will you mow the lawn, or hang out where grass is being mowed? Do you find yourself playing with the fragrances that make your eyes water and your nose tickle?

This non-allergic person is curious. :D

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As a cat lover and person with a cat allergy, yes I play with cats and yes I normally regret it, but they are just so damned cute!

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I'm not qualified to answer your question, seeing as I have no allergies, but I'm going to answer it anyhow.

If I were to encounter something that made me sneezy, I most certainly would play with it. The amount of exposure I'd get would depend on who I was with at the time, and how much fun I was having.

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i'm with Just Older... i don't have any allergies that i am aware of anymore but if i did, there would def be some experimenting going on!!! :stretcher:

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