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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Prom Night - (3 Parts)


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Hey everybody, this is my first sneezefic, hope you like it! Oh and, I’m thinking of turning it into an interactive story, where the viewers decide on the fate of the characters and all that stuff, if it’s popular enough. ^^ I’m doing this ‘cause I figured I might have writers’ block somewhere in the middle.



Valerie and Kevin had been best friends since kindergarten, all the way to college. They knew all about each other, their likes, dislikes, all the way down to favourite shades of blue. However, they were both hiding something from each other. Both of them had nursed a secret desire to see the other sneeze, but never got the chance to do so.

Valerie was your typical college girl, average-height, shoulder length black hair, somewhat curvy, and extremely popular amongst boys. While she's okay talking to (and flirting with) other guys, there was this special part in her heart that was reserved specially for Kevin. She’s also half-Chinese, and seems to have taken on the best of both worlds!

Kevin, on the other hand, was an extremely tall and broad-chested basketball player, with a long fringe touching his eyebrows. His “if I don’t like it, too bad” attitude got him into several spots of trouble with teachers, but he was extremely friendly, and rarely got pissed off.

Both of them had never seen each other sneeze for the past ten years they had known each other. On their prom night, they both thought, “It’s prom night, now or never!”

Chapter One


“Riiiinngggggg!!!” the school bell chimed. It was the last day of school, and now, with work and exams at the back of their minds, the senior students could think of nothing but the “big night”, that would be the next day.

Valerie Rachael Wong was, as usual, talking to her group of friends, the self-proclaimed “cool girls” of the cohort. They were discussing about nothing but the “big night” One of the girls, Clarissa, asked her, “Ooh, Valerie, who are you going out with?” She replied, somewhat mysteriously, “Oh, I don’t know…” The other girls squealed, “You’re such a bad liar! We know you’re going out with…” at this point some of the girls swooned, “Kevin Kalingson!”

Almost as if on cue, Kevin came into the hallways, went straight to Valerie, and said, with his most refined voice ever, “Would you grace me to be my partner this Prom Night?” The girls giggled, but that didn’t stop Kevin. Valerie didn’t even blush, she merely said, “Sure, meet at my place, 5pm tomorrow.” It was common knowledge that Kevin and Valerie were an item.

Kevin said, “Okay, well, I’ve gotta go home now, my dad’s not feeling well, my mom just told me, and I promised I’d take care of him.”

Valerie smiled and thought to herself, “Aww, how caring. Wait, he might catch what his dad has too, then for prom night, hehee!”

Her girl friends noticed this, and asked, “What are you thinking of, Val?” One of them, Eunice, offered, “You have got to try this new perfume for the big night, Val! Here, I’ll let you try some!”

Valerie tried to decline Eunice’s offer, as she was allergic to perfume, and didn’t like to sneeze around so many people. However, she was too late, and Eunice already sprayed some around.

“HA-TCHEEEEIIIWWW!!” The force of the sneeze caused Valerie to bob forward and now her eyes were blocked by her curtain of hair. She immediately blushed, as the spray from her sneeze had hit some of her friends. However, she was not done yet…

“Ha-isshheew! Huh..HUH-TCHEEWW! HAAA-tch!” Valerie tried to stifle a sneeze. It worked, for about fifteen seconds.

“HUH…HEEEH…HKSHEEEEEWWW! *sniff* Ugh, I think I’b fidally done. Sorry Eudice, your perfube doesd’t agree with *sniff* be.”

“I could see that, Val,” Several of the girls were gaping at Valerie, as they had never seen her sneeze so powerfully before. Indeed, half of them were hit by the spray of the final sneeze. Valerie giggled a bit, apologized to her friends, and went out to the roadside to wait for her father to pick her up, occasionally stopping to sneeze once or twice into her cupped hands.

Kevin, whose house was just a fifteen-minute walk from the school campus, was casually strolling along, thinking of what to wear the next day. He was also thinking about what to bring along, his arsenal to try and make Valerie sneeze. This night would be the last he would see her, because Valerie’s mother had found an excellent job opportunity in China, and had also gotten Valerie a place at the country’s elite university.

As he went through the door into his apartment, he called, “Mom, Dad, I’m home!” His mother called, “Go take care of Dad, he’s in the room, I’ll have dinner ready soon!”

Kevin went into his parents’ room and saw his father there, lying down on the bed. He went closer and asked him, “You alright, Pops?”

His father smiled and replied, “Yeah, I’m good, sonny, just a spot of stomach ache. I swear, I’ve spent more time in than out that room,” he gestured at the door to the washroom. “Say, old chap, be a sport and get me the remote, there’s a soccer match that I want to watch!”

Kevin brought the remote to his father. “Anything else, Pops?”

“No, I’m okay. Say, why don’t you go downstairs, your mother just baked some salmon that I’m dying to try, but I can’t. Oh well, more for you, son!”

Kevin was slightly disappointed. He thought his dad had gotten a cold, and he was hoping to catch it and pass it to Valerie. He didn’t mind being sick with his best friend, especially on the last day they’d be together, but he wasn’t sure how she would take it. All his plans were dashed, however.

“Mmm… this looks tast…tast… Huh-kshooo! Mom! Did you put too much pepper on this thing?”

His mother replied, “No, I just put what the recipe said, is it too much for you, dearie?”

In Kevin’s mind, a plan started to hatch. “Uhh… no Mom, it’s okay. Could you make another bat…HUH-KSHOO! *sniff* batch tomorrow? I wanna let Valerie try some.”

“Of course dear, how sweet of you.”

Kevin sniffed, and then smiled. “Turns out I might just have a chance…” he thought.


Do let me know what you guys think! Constructive criticism is appreciated, thanks! :)

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Ooh yes! A boy and a girl trying to make one another sneeze? More please!

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Wow I'm overwhelmed by the positive feedback :bawl: I'm working on Part 2 now, but I kinda realized that it'd be hard for me to make it an interactive story ;) Oh well.

Thanks again, readers and positive comment-ers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, sorry Part 2 took so long! I'm getting a bit of writers block, but I know which way I'm gonna steer this story, so suggestions are much appreciated!

Chapter 2: Preparations

Kevin woke up bright and early the next day, the day of the prom night. He had to go for basketball practice, and he had his schedule already planned out. After basketball, he would go back home, change out of his dirty clothes and into something nice, and meet Valerie at her house. Early, for a change.

When he got to the courts, the coach was there, waiting for the other players. Once everyone had arrived, he stood up and said, in his big coach voice “Okay, how many of you are going for prom night tonight? Hands up, don’t be shy.” All of the guys raised their hands, a few somewhat tentatively and reluctantly. The coach glared at them for a second, then broke out into laughter and said, “Okay, all you gentlemen, outta my sight. You guys have got to impress your girls for tonight! I know what it’s like, believe me.” With that the coach laughed again, and waved them off the court.

Kevin couldn’t believe his luck. Now he had more time to devise… plans. He took his bag, and went back home.

“Wow, dear, you’re back early,” his mother commented.

“Training was canceled, Mom. I’m going to change and then get a gift for Valerie,” he replied.

“Okay, I’m going to cook the salmon now and you can get it when you come back, don’t forget you were going to give some to Valerie!” she half-shouted, as Kevin was already up the stairs.

After a quick change of clothes, Kevin took a bus down to the department store. He wandered around, whistling to himself and looking for stores. “Hmm… perfume. Might be a good idea,” he thought, smiling to himself. He went into the store and came out, carrying a bag with a small glass vial inside.

Valerie wasn’t far away from Kevin, although neither of them knew it. She was at the hair salon, getting her hair done, and fussing about everything, from the length to the right shade of brown.

“And please, don’t use that kind of hairspray! It makes me sn…sneeAAA-TCHOO! HAA-TCHIEWW! Sneeze,” she complained to the hairstylist. The woman sighed, and reached for a different can.

After another fifteen minutes of debating with the hairstylist, Valerie went out of the salon, straight into the store which Kevin had just walked out of, about ten minutes ago. She went out, with a little bottle of cologne and a big smile on her face. “Just the thing for my Kevin…”

Once again, constructive criticism and stuff is appreciated, as well as suggestions as to what happens next!

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By the time Valerie got back from the mall, it was half past four, which left her plenty of time before Kevin was due to arrive. Having nothing to do, she took out her present for Kevin, and looked at it lovingly. “Mmm, my dearie, let’s see how strong you are,” she purred, and unscrewed the cap and sprayed a bit just in front of her face.

The result was immediate. The cologne tickled her nose and she was overcome with an intense feeling of wanting to sneeze. However, it was too subtle to get an immediate response, and Valerie was left with a strong tickle in her nose for quite a while. “Hehh…hehhh… argh! Why wo…won’t it co…come… out!” Her breath was hitching and she rubbed her nose vigorously to try to get the sneeze out. “Okay, almost there…and..aaAAA-TCHHIEWW! Hahh-chhieww! Tchhhheww! Tchhhh! HUUH-TSHIIOOO! Whew, that felt good,” she said to herself. She put the cover back on the bottle, and went to find something to wrap it up in.

“Ding-ding-ding!” Upon hearing the doorbell, Valerie gasped, and squealed, “I hadn’t thought that he would be coming early! I’ve got to change!” She quickly locked herself into her walk-in wardrobe, and hoped that she would be able to find her dress in time.

Kevin was at the door, waiting patiently. Valerie’s little sister, Tiffany, answered the door. “Hey Kevin,” she said and waved cheerily. “Val’s in her room. She seems to be having an allergy attack. Maybe she put on too much perfume again,” she suggested. “Do you want me to show you to her room?” she asked in that same pompous voice every time Kevin came over. “No thanks, I think I can find my way by myself, thanks,” Kevin replied, and they both laughed.

After climbing two flights of stairs, Kevin came to a door that he remembered so well, from years of entering it. It was slightly ajar, but Kevin knocked anyway, and said, “Val, it’s me!” He heard a muffled “Eeeek!” coming from inside, followed by, “Oh Kevin, I’m not in my dress yet, I’m still in my…” but Kevin interrupted, saying, “I’m still in my T-shirt and trousers. Come on, nobody wants you to wear formal dress yet, the prom isn’t in another three hours!”

“Oh, all right then,” Valerie said, and came out in her jeans and shirt that she wore to the mall. Kevin jokingly flicked Valerie’s recently curled hair, and teased, “Looks like someone’s been busy!”

“Of course not, Kevin! I did my hair at the mall! Speaking of which, I have a present for you,” Valerie said, and took out the little bottle of cologne, now in a wrapped box.

“You were at the mall? I didn’t see you there,” Kevin replied, then continued, “I got something for you too!” He took out a package which looked roughly the same shape and size as Valerie’s.

They looked at the packages, then at each other for a minute, then burst out laughing. “Haha, I bet you got perfume for me too,” Kevin laughed. “Yeah, and you got me a bottle of cologne, how thoughtful,” Valerie added. They opened the packages and kept the little boxes, thinking to themselves, “I’m allergic to this stuff, how do I tell him/her,” and, “Sigh, he/she’s not gonna put it on now, I suppose.”

“Well, like you said, it’s pretty early, wanna go out for a snack?” Valerie suggested.

“Heck no, I’ve brought something else for you! My mom’s famous salmon with pepper!” Kevin beamed and took out the plastic container. Valerie then dragged Kevin down to the living room, so that they might eat while watching some television.

Once they were comfortably sitting on the sofa, Kevin opened the container and offered some salmon to Valerie. The peppery aroma filled the room, and Valerie wrinkled up her nose and asked, “Did your mom put too much pepper on this? It’s making my nose itch…”

Kevin was thinking, in his mind, “any moment now…” and with great difficulty, managed to reply without seeming to be totally interested at Valerie’s last statement, “I don’t know, my mom say’s that’s part of the recipe, anyways it makes me feel like sneezing too. Here you go, try some!”

Valerie too was feeling ecstatic and watching Kevin for signs of sneeziness, but accepted Kevin’s offer. As he brought the box to her, an idea quickly formed in her mind. She took a fork from the coffee table, then pretended to fumble, and she hit the bottom of the box, sending pepper everywhere.

“Oh…oh my, I am so so sorry,” Valerie squealed, fighting the increasing urge to sneeze, while watching Kevin struggle against the cloud of pepper.

“It…it’s okay…ju…just that I got…gottaaahhHUH-KSHOO! HUUH-SHOOOO!” Kevin replied, interrupted by two sneezes.”

Valerie’s mind was in bliss, but her nose was in hell. She could resist no longer, and she gave in to the feeling. “Heh-ishhoo! Ktchoo! Hehh-tchiieww! Heh-tchh!” She sniffled, and added, “I am so sorry, Kevin! I didn’t mean to sneeze on you like that,” but Kevin was smiling.

“It’s okay, *sniff* it’s just a sneeze, right? Anyway, the food still seems to be edible, shall we con…con…Huuh-ktch! Huh-tchoo! Continue?” he added.

Valerie had a better idea. “Since there’s still a lot of pepper around, why not we have a sneezing contest, and see who sneezes more!” she suggested, and instantly felt very embarrassed at herself. She half-covered her face and watched Kevin’s reaction.

His face broke out into a wide grin, which he also tried to hide. “Okay, you’re on,” he said. “We’re both at four now, so we’ll just start from zero, okay? Ready, one, two, three!”


;) Use your imagination for the sneezing contest, haha! Comments and criticism are, as always, welcomed and appreciated, so if there's anything you'd like to say, please voice it out! It makes me a better writer, really!

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*Gasp* how could I have missed the update??? EEEEE love it!! Haha...and what are you talking about, use our imaginations?? I have a suggestion...write about the contest :) Though really, anything you want to write is all good :whip:

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