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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Convulsive sneezing fit before sex


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I once read of a couple who could not have sex because one partner always had a convulsive sneezing fit just before. I don't know if it was the man or the woman.

They finally got marriage counseling, but that's all I know.

Anyone heard of this happening or experienced it? Is there a name for it?

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It's called honeymoon rhinitis I think. Sounds wonderful but I imagine it could be embarrassing!

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Isn't it honeymoon rhinitis when you always have to sneeze after sex? Or maybe it's both, that's also possible.

Marriage counselling, fancy that. The non-fetishists of this world do miss out on some good ol' fun now and then... (or was that too insensitive?)

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The actual condition called "honeymoon rhinitis" describes when a person sneezes due to feelings of arousal. Essentially, one action produced by arousal is increased blood flow to erogenous zones, and nasal tissue is very similar to other erogenous zones in the body. For some people the increased bloodflow can make the nasal cavities much more sensitive (as it generally makes the erogenous zones more sensitive), which can produce runny nose or sneezing. For some people, digesting a large meal has the same effect :)

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..... And this is a problem how? :)


You might have some explaining to do if you were out with you SO and got distracted by someone else's sneezing fit.........

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Interesting, I had never heard the biological explanation of this before.

I think I actually have a mild form of this: no sneezing, but my nose gets really runny...

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You might have some explaining to do if you were out with you SO and got distracted by someone else's sneezing fit.........

I thought the issue was that it was the SO that had the sneezing fit, not someone else. Perhaps I misread the initial post. In that case, my bad.


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Well the original post did specify that but the question "And this is a problem how?" appeared to pertain to the whole topic of this kind of rhinitis. I apologise if I misunderstood but I was trying to point out that anything that demonstrated quite so publicly that one was aroused could be embarrassing because most of us have been aroused on occasion by things other than out partners but would probably choose to keep that private.

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most of us have been aroused on occasion by things other than out partners but would probably choose to keep that private.

So very true Vetinari .. so very true !! B) can be most disturbing but unavoidable

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Yes, I see now how it could have been percieved that way... *smiles* Sorry if I offended anyone.

I think I'll go back into reading again instead of writing - I always put my foot in it somehow, it seems *smiles*

Be safe,


Well the original post did specify that but the question "And this is a problem how?" appeared to pertain to the whole topic of this kind of rhinitis. I apologise if I misunderstood but I was trying to point out that anything that demonstrated quite so publicly that one was aroused could be embarrassing because most of us have been aroused on occasion by things other than out partners but would probably choose to keep that private.
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Seriously no offence. Don't keep quiet, you didn't put your foot in it at all. :)

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