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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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I think we can all agree that airplanes are a great place to get some nice obs. However, did you also notice, that unfortunately for us, the usally pretty hostesses that number in the tens more often than not, rarely sneeze themselves? Any ideas why?

A few suggestions that I might offer are these. One, they may have gotten used to it. They might have sneezed the first week, two weeks, two months, and then they get used to it. Two, if they know they have allergies, they might not apply for the job in the first place. So you've got naturally sneezeless people applying.

P.S Thank goodness the males who work on the plane are sneezeless themselves. :P


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Not necessarily - when I went to Europe, there was one hostess(is that what they're called? Doesn't sound right...) who spent most of the flight stifling sneezes.

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That was......fast. :P

Anyway, I'm sure there are exceptions Wolfi the Great. But I've seen literally like 60 hostesses in my life. Only like two actually sneezed. And my flight is usally six to seven hours. :\


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I know what you mean. I've been on countless flights over the course of my life, and I've had zero with any noticeable sneezes.

The closest I ever came to seeing anything memorable was a girl sitting across the aisle started to rub her nose, but she stopped when she noticed I was watching her. *cough* What?

Maybe, part of the problem is I'm not always paying attention to what's going on around me on the plane. I'm generally either vegging out listening to music, watching the in-flight movie, or observing one specific cute girl. Rarely do I notice much outside of those things. It's entirely possible that everyone else on the plane sneezed and I just couldn't be bothered. Though it's hard to keep track of 100+ people at the same time in a crowded environment...

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I had a 26 hour flight with only a brief changeover in Singapore...one hostess was stifling sneezes literally every two minutes. I'm not much into stifles though...I kept hoping for a proper sneeze, but gave up after about the first two hours :P

edit: somehow, i ended up with 12+14=36...*rolls eyes at self*

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I'm always jealous of people who tell me that taking a flight is a sure-fire recipe for getting themselves a cold. Never seems to happen to me.

Colds are totally wasted on people who don't appreciate them.

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