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Sneeze Fetish Forum

When did you know...?


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I think I first found out when I was little ... but then didn't realize other people had the fetish as well until I was in HS and stumbled across this site!!

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I probably understood it was a fetish when I found this site online and looked up "fetish" in the dictionary (I was 12 :D). But to find this site I had to Google "sneeze" and look through a three-digit amount of pages :blushing: And I only did THAT because of, well, you know :laugh:

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I can't remember a time when I didn't know... I guess I didn't know what the word "fetish" was until high school, but before that, I've always known that sneezing made me "feel good" :)

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I only realized what this was a year or two ago, when I found other people like me on this site. Like zneeze I found it through Google. I used to search for fanfiction with sneezing so I'd type in words like "he sneezed" and stuff like that and I think that through that I found an obs from this site and I was totally baffled that someone else (a lot of someone elses) liked watching other people sneeze as much as I did.

As far as knowing I liked sneezing, probably since childhood, whenever I developed self-awareness. I remember a very vivid dream I had about my pre-school teacher sneezing. That's how intense this fetish is, that it manifests at such a young age.

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my sisters and cousins and I used to play all sorts of make believe games when we were younger, as all kids do I'm sure. we used to pretend our swingset was a ship lost at sea, and all sorts of such things. I used to always give the character I pretended to be allergies, or try and convince the others to do the same- at that point it wasn't sexual, but certainly a fixation. i think i wrote my first 'sneezefic' when I was six years old.

i think i was about 13 when i first found others with a similar fixation- searching online for stories with sneezing in them. I came across some very graphic sexual sneeze fiction, which I know i shouldn't have read, but i did. Id never even heard the word 'fetish' at that point, and had no idea what it meant- but I learned quickly, and then a whole new world was opened up to me. I think it took another year or so for me to be sure that what I had was a fetish, but now I'm sure. i've been lurking around the community ever since.

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