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Who do you think says, "bless you" more?


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I know this is kind of a strange question but do you think men or women are more inclined to say 'bless you' more? From my own experience it seems like women are more likely to say it, but maybe that is just how I perceive it since I find women blessing someone kind of hot and notice it more. What do you guys think?

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Girls definetly do a lot more...

I don't think many guys say it unless they are in close proximity or know the person well.

All these guys need to step up and bless the sneezy girls! lol! :(

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I think for sure with people without the fetish female say it more. However, in the case of people with the fetish I think males say it more....atleast on youtube anyway.

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Well, in secular France, no one blesses at all. Some people *may* say "à vos souhaits", but it's pretty uncommon. French people are usually surprised when they go to (even French-speaking Switzerland) where many people say "santé!" So it's not just a question of differences between men and women. I almost never say anything, as it may stop a series of sneezes.

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Guest Tootsie2008

i definitely think women say it more than anybody. that's from experience, because at work i never hear guys blessing anyone--it's mostly my female co-workers. but i dont really know to be honest--i guess it depends.

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  • 3 months later...
I think for sure with people without the fetish female say it more. However, in the case of people with the fetish I think males say it more....atleast on youtube anyway.

I think so too Blondy. :P


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Actually,I think its about an even split here. I've found more guys than girls who will bless strangers of any gender though

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I find that its also a pretty even split in terms of blessing people, however, i only bless my girl friend because i find it to be too personal of a thing to do to other people

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Honestly, I've probably seen a pretty even split with blessing. I know some women who don't say it at all. I've seen my hubby bless the guy in the computer store, but not say it to me. And I have a guy friend at work who blesses people he doesn't even see! And I know I bless most people, and I am female. So, I see all kinds of people doing it, and some that you might think would bless, who don't. Interesting question, though!!! :balloon:

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I agree, in my experience girls say "bless you" more than guys.

I remember sitting near a group of girls once in college, hearing about six or seven different sneezes that were immediately blessed (and not just by one person).

Men don't usually seem to bless each other... although they might bless female sneezers.

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