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Darren Shan? - (2 Parts)


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any know the darren shan vampire series?

i for one love them, and would love a darren shan/mr crepsley sneeze fic. is there anyone interested in writing one? if not anyone interested in reading one? if so I could give it a go! I would certainly love to read one if anyone decided to write one. please comment Sabrina xx :P

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So... i decided to try and write one myself-hope u like it :P comment-i'm new at this

and this is just the very beginning to see if it is worth continuing

male sneezing

darren shan vampire series is a series of books, where a boys life changes when he meets a vampire

in this fic, darren discovers some allergies, and mr crepsley is helpful as ever :P

told from mr crepsley's point of view

My eyes shot open as I was suddenly jerked awake. I wondered what time it was. The inside of the coffin was so dark it was hard to tell if it was night time or not. I gingerly pushed open the lid, hoping it wasn't the middle of the day , and breathed a sigh of relief. It was dark. However, not so dark as it usually was when I awoke, and I wondered what had woken me.


I jumped. The sneeze seemed to be coming from Darren's hammock. I frowned. It was unlike vampires to get sick, and wondered what could be causing Darren to sneeze. I climbed out of the coffin, stretching, and wandered over to the hammock.

"Darren?" I whispered. No answer. I was about to return to my coffin when...


much closer. It was definately coming from Darren's hammock. I peered in closer, and came face to face with Darren, who was sniffling slightly and looking cross.

"Darren? What's wrong?" I asked

Darren opened his mouth to reply, but instead "hetchoo...hetchoo!"

"Bless you" I replied

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okayyy, so i decided to carry on, let me know what you think. Sorry it's been so long, exams and all :) Sabrina xx

Darren looked at me looking slightly annoyed

"Thanks" he said.

I cleared my throat.

"So, want some breakfast?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Sure, I'm starving" said Darren, probably glad of the change in subject. " I feel like I haven't eaten in years"

There was a definate change in his voice on the last word, and I looked up in time to see Darren hunched to the right, eyes squeezed shut.


"Bless you, Darren are you ok?"

Darren sniffed slightly. "Yes, I'm fine. What about that breakfast?"

I walked away, to start a fire. Darren usually did this job, but I didn't want to pester him yet.

Sorry it's short, but I have to go revise for yet more exams! But will try to write more at the weekend! Let me know what you think, and if it is worth continuing! Sabrina xx

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