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odd responses to blessings


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So, I never used to bother blessing people (it just wasn't and isn't done in my family), but in the past several years that's changed. Many of my friends bless others, and I enjoy blessing and being blessed. Most people respond with a simple "thank you", or ignore it, which I think is rude. But, I know a few people who say other things...

"I need all the help I can get."

"My soul does need saving, doesn't it?"

"Don't bother, I'm already going to hell."

I know they're trying to be funny, but for some reason these responses kind of irk me and I find myself wishing they would just say "thanks" and move on. I usually force a laugh because I don't know how to respond. I don't know why it annoys me, but it does. Maybe I should start saying ghesundheit?

So, my question for all of you...did anyone ever respond to a blessing of yours in an unusual way? Did you ever respond to a blessing in an unusual way? How did the you or the blesser react?

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Never happened to me, but those responses sure sound funny to me! :D But if it bothers you, just try to ignore it, I guess. It can't happen too often, can it? :blink:

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Never happened to me, but those responses sure sound funny to me! :omg: But if it bothers you, just try to ignore it, I guess. It can't happen too often, can it? :D

LOL. :blink: No, it doesn't happen too often...but the people I know who say this say it a lot, and the humor has kind of worn off for me. I guess the reason it annoys me is then I feel awkward about having blessed them in the first place...like I'm the odd one. I'm not sure it that makes any sense. :blushing:

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Never happened to me, but those responses sure sound funny to me! :omg: But if it bothers you, just try to ignore it, I guess. It can't happen too often, can it? :D

LOL. :blink: No, it doesn't happen too often...but the people I know who say this say it a lot, and the humor has kind of worn off for me. I guess the reason it annoys me is then I feel awkward about having blessed them in the first place...like I'm the odd one. I'm not sure it that makes any sense. :blushing:

Perhaps the answer is just not to bless those people you know do it if it upsets you?

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I don't know about that, but have you ever encountered self-blessers? Now that is odd. I've heard some people sneeze, then they'd go like "Bless me" or " Bless my soul" in a comedic way. Can't help but laugh at those.


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Never happened to me, but those responses sure sound funny to me! :blushing: But if it bothers you, just try to ignore it, I guess. It can't happen too often, can it? :D

LOL. :blink: No, it doesn't happen too often...but the people I know who say this say it a lot, and the humor has kind of worn off for me. I guess the reason it annoys me is then I feel awkward about having blessed them in the first place...like I'm the odd one. I'm not sure it that makes any sense. :omg:

Perhaps the answer is just not to bless those people you know do it if it upsets you?

Yeah, that's been the approach thus far, although I occasionally forget and bless them anyways. :blushing:

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Good on you anyway for being brave enough to bless people when you didn't grow up with it. I find it insanely difficult to bless anybody apart from my immediate family.

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i work in a very ethnically diverse university, and am often blessing people from other countries, many of which do not say "Bless you." I often get funny looks from them, but i cannot recall anyone saying anything in particular.

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Guest Tootsie2008

I'm really uncomfortable about the blessing thing, but if I ever sneeze in public and someone says that, I'll just respond with a simple "thanks". ;) but thankfully I don't sneeze often at all, so I'm not generally in an uncomfortable situation like that. XD

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I always say thank you and then clap three times after getting blessed. If you don't a fairy dies. :rolleyes: I know, it's kind of crazy, but when I heard about that, I knew it was too cute not to do!

As long as we're on the subject, I had a pretty embarrassing experience with blessing. This girl in my class sneeze, so I blessed her, and she didn't say anything back. I thought she hadn't heard me, so I said it louder. Well, it turned out she had heard me the first time and had thanked me, but I hadn't heard her. :laugh: To make things worse her friend got all defensive. "WTF? She said thank you! What is your problem?" :rolleyes:

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The equivalent of "bless you" in Italian is "salute" ("health") and a reply that one sometimes gets is "magari!" (kind of "if only!") :P

Once I heard somebody being blessed with "salute" and replying "...che se ne va" ("...which is going away")

Italians are funny people!

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I think the funniest thing that comes to mind from someone I've blessed was, "Trust me, it won't help."

He said it with a sniffle, and he was one of those "look at what a bad boy I am" (we were babies in college), so I always wondered if he meant he wasn't going to stop sneezing or he was too Bad for the blessing to take. :drool:

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How about this one: somebody sneezes and the person next to them yells: AAACHHOOO!!!

This one is strange and irritating if you ask me.

I didn't think of that one! But yes, that is really strange, I've seen it happen before. It made me laugh at the time but it would probably get annoying REALLY fast.

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