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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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I once had a huge prolonged fit while helping my old farmer neighbor plane boards in a cramped poorly-ventilated garage... Sooooo much dust, and it was one of those times where my sneezing every ten seconds was interrupting the work, so much so that he couldn't just ignore it... so it turned into a topic of discussion... until he finally had to give up and told me to go out for some fresh air (rolls eyes). He was a good sport about it, thankfully, but I seriously could have done without those 200+ sneezes right then... gah...

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My final exams... I sneezed threw the whole thing......to the point where the guy beside me was getting very frustated. not to mention it was a gym full of hundreds of other students.. I hope I didn't make him fail. :twisted:

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My final exams... I sneezed threw the whole thing......to the point where the guy beside me was getting very frustated. not to mention it was a gym full of hundreds of other students.. I hope I didn't make him fail. :twisted:

If I was in that final exam room I would have failed for sure! ( ha ha )

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Like some people I absolutly HATE sneezing in public. One time during class I had a little bit of a cold and usually when I get sick my nose just feels tickly and I can hardly ever sneeze. This day I was in class and a sneeze was building for like 15min. I would sit there and try to keep my face straight, but I swear it had hints that I was going to sneeze written all over it for the 15min to the point where people around me started staring. I thought I was finally going to sneeze, but at the very last second it disappeared to I made that weird noise that sounds like a halfassed sneeze I guess is the best way to describe it and of course when that happened was the one point in class when it was dead silent. Some people started laughing because it sounded to weird.

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Oh yeah, I think we've all had our own little mortifying moments. :hug:

I think I'll talk about my most recent, which was in late November. Long story short, I had been very upset and thoughtless that night, and ended up locking myself out of my dorm and stuck in cold and rainy weather for a good three hours. It was after midnight on a weekday night and nobody on campus that i knew was awake. Plus, I had left my cell along with my acsess card to the dorms inside... in short, I was freezing, drenched, upset, and the cold was slowly working over my body and giving me a bit of a sniffle. Well, thankfully, one of my buddies, Louis, a junior, happened to be awake at the time and making his way back to the upper classman dorms. He saw me there, asked me what I was doing in the rain, so I told him. He invited me to crash at his dorm for the night. We had only been friends for a few months and I had a raging crush on him at the time and I was extremely embarassed about being alone with him. I'm shy like that. Dx But, anyways, as I was wrestling with my thoughts and he was trying to get me to accept and stop being so stubborn, my nose started to tickle like crazy. Now, I hate hate HATE sneezing in front of others, and I tried to fight it off as I stuttered a pathetic reply of "No, really, you don't... have too..." right there my nose decided to rebel against me. My eyes shut and my head tilted as my short build up began, "hiihhh... hhheeehhh.... hiSHOO! Hashoo! Hihh hihh... HISHOO!" I caught the sneezes in my fist, and I heard him laughing at me. I was blushing like crazy now, so I just kept my head down. But he put his hand on my shoulder and said "Come on, you're going to get worse if you stay out here like this." I just nodded in defeat and followed him to the dormatory silently. I ended up having another small fit as soon as we entered his room, and he imeadiatly grabbed a tissue, handed it to me and said with a laugh, "Bless you. You know, you have a really cute sneeze."

:lol: I almost died when he said that. Well, the rest of the night was fine. He gave me some pjs to wear and let me sleep on his bed while he took the futon. I was fine the next morning, but still extremely embarassed about it all. And I can't help but blush like hell every time I see him now. :drool:

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I'm sorry to hear that you were stuck in such an awkward situation, but that's one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. :drool: Thanks for sharing!

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