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Germophobe ? How often do you wash your hands ?


How many times a day ?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. How many times a day do you wash your hands ?

    • Never
    • Hardly ever
    • Several times but I do not use soap
    • Once
    • 2-5 times
    • 6-10 times
    • continuously
    • other

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I claim not to be germophobe. But if I start counting...

- when I wake up

- after useing public transport

- after shaking hands with colleagues in the morning

- after toilet use

- before having lunch

- when coming home again

- before handling contact lenses

Holy goodness !

At least 10 times a day.

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Well.....I voted other because it does vary.

If no-one in the house has any nasty illness :twisted: then:

When I get up

After toilet use

Before handling food

After handling raw meat

Any time during food handling when I have to touch my nose or eyes

If the children have anything nasty (that doesn't include colds) I go absolutely mad until my hands are actually raw and painful.

So not even slightly obsessed then! :notworthy:

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I chose "other" because I definitely wash my hands more than 10 times a day, but I don't wash them continuously.

Wake up and go to the bathroom -- wash

Take a shower -- my hands are part of me that get washed

Get dressed, then put in contact lenses -- wash

Prepare my lunch for work -- wash

Arrive at work -- wash

Go to the bathroom -- wash

Wash hands before and after each patient contact (I'm a nurse) wash maybe 25-40 times

Eat lunch -- wash

Use the bathroom -- wash

After I wipe or blow my nose or sneeze -- wash after each time, so maybe 6-12/day

Use the bathroom before I leave work -- wash

Arrive home and use the bathroom (it's a long commute) -- wash

Prepare food -- wash

Before I eat -- wash

Take out contact lenses -- wash

After I go to the bathroom at bedtime -- wash

So, maybe a couple of dozen times, not counting the nurse-related patient contact washing (for some of those, I use the alcohol gel instead of soap and water). But continuously? No. All those are the appropriate times to wash. Really.

And I'm not even a germaphobe. I just don't want to make anyone sick because I didn't wash.

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I'm a nurse (wanting to specialise in infection control), so I probably ruin the results because in work I leave nothing to chance, and Heebeejeebeescrub myself continuously. I wouldn't like to think how many times I wash my hands in a day :twisted: Maybe I will count tomorrow, just to see! Interestingly, I do regular handwashing audits in my work to make sure people wash their hands enough and do it correctly using the 6 step technique lol

When not in work, however, I'm not actually that bothered about my own dirt, to be honest, because I value its importance in training my immune system! I'm more freaked out about smells on my hands!! I wash my hands after I go to the toilet, and before I eat, and before and after preparing food, but any other times I wash them are mostly because of things like the smell of food off my hands, or after washing dishes because I hate the smell of washing-up liquid, or after I read the paper to get rid of the ink from my fingers. I wouldn't wash my hands after touching people or things in the outside world really either, unless they left me visibly dirty, because again I want to expose myself to things while I am strong enough to fight them. Then maybe when I'm old and frail, my body will have good backup :notworthy:

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Definitely a germaphobe here, I try to wash after any time I either touch someones hand, or touch an object in a public/school/work environment. I'm like the seinfeld episode where I use the paper towel I use to dry my hands to also open the rest room door to leave.

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Being a research scientist, my entire job depends on my hands being clean and/or sterile 90% of the time. Therefore, I wash them continuously. Most of the year my hands are raw and in danger of cracking If I don't lotion them 3-4 times a day. Not to mention, after every time going to the bathroom, before during and after cooking, anytime i sneeze/cough, after petting the dog, if i touch anyone else's hands...

funny though... im not germaphobic... I simply have to stay as clean as possible for my job...

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The answer to that has to be other,different circumstances and different days may call for more or less hand washing :)

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I'm definitely not a germophobe. Being a teacher, I should probably wash my hands more than I do, but lots of my teacher friends wash or sanitize their hands continuously and their hands are so chapped and raw. I try and avoid that.

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I hope this isn't too much of a threadjack but for those of you who have some kind of medical background and have been taught to wash their hands using a particular routine to ensure no parts of the hands are missed......do you use that routine whenever you wash your hands? I tend to do it if I think they might be particularly dirty...such as when I have been handling raw chicken. Otherwise I will wash them reasonably thoroughly with soap but only as a normal person might if you see what I mean!

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I'm not a complete germaphobe, but I HATE it when my hands feel dirty so I wash my hands almost every chance I can get and I will never ever sneeze into my hands either.

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