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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Most sneezes DIRECTLY in a row


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I'm not here talking about any kind of fit, I'm talking about sneezes that barely leave enough time in between them for taking a breath. I was wondering how long the longest series of such sneezes is among the people on here.

I got the idea because my roommate has gotten quite sneezy over the last 2 weeks. He usually has fits of at least 2-3 sneezes, but within each fit they are separated by 20-30 seconds or so. Just a few minutes ago though, I heard a triple that ran together like ACHOO-CHOO-ACHOO. I'd have to think it would be really weird to have 5 or more like that.

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usually I sneeze only once, maybe twice, but sometimes in the morning I will sneeze 3 or 4 times, but most in a row....... probably one time I was cutting the grass, i dont know why but I sneezed 6 in a row with no time to breath and I am not allergic to grass...... or so I think.

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When I have a cold I'll sometimes sneeze a double where the second sneeze starts before the first has ended, with not even a short breath in between. It sort of sounds like this, "HERRRESCHHH-ESCHHHH!" It actually leaves me gasping for breath by the end. I've never been able to capture one of these as a wav, but if I do I'll be sure to post it!

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Lucky you have a roommate that has those sneezes!!! :hug:

Anyway, I once heard a .wav file that had this girl who sneezed something like 5 or 6 sneezes in a row without breathing



36 times like that?! wow! how could u breath between them? It must have been tough for you! :hug:

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I heard this girl once on NiteFlirt who had 10+ in one breath, then could barely gasp for air before setting off again for another 10-15 before she had to breathe again.

I think the limit is probably determined by lung capacity.

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I dont think it is a record or anything,it came about through allergies a mixture of grass pollen and lillies.Lillies make me sneeze like mad.

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Unfortunately, nothing cool like this has ever happened to me. :( But apparently my boyfriend's mom was trying to take some goody's powder (the powdered headache medicine) one time and she accidentally coughed it into her nose and then she couldn't stop sneezing for a long time. My boyfriend said that she couldn't catch her breath, she was sneezing so much.

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I knew a girl that would always sneeze in rapid-fire form. They would start strong, with each getting weaker as she ran out of air. Towards the end, they became nearly silent head bobs.

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I guess in a row, without breath or whatever, it would be one. I've never done the rapid fire sneeze thing and have no idea how it would feel for someone who does get those, and imagine it would probably give someone a headache after a while, sneezing like that.

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I guess in a row, without breath or whatever, it would be one. I've never done the rapid fire sneeze thing and have no idea how it would feel for someone who does get those, and imagine it would probably give someone a headache after a while, sneezing like that.

Agreed :)

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I don't get those either - I always have at least a short build up or time for a gasped breath in between. More often than not, I have 10-30 seconds in between.

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There was only one time that I remember that I had a rapid-fire. Normally I don't have much of a buildup but it was way too extreme for me like huh..huhh...huh....::pause:: HuTschoo, AtSChoo, SChooo, Choo, AUT-CHOOOO!!! Afterwards I remember being surprised but I loved it as I was gasping for fresh air.

36 sneezes straight? That is impressive.

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The most I've ever sneezed in rapid fire is 2. Sometimes when I sneeze in triples I'll sneeze the first 2 in rapid fire then a 5 second build up, followed by a third sneeze. I've had much bigger sneezing fits before but never anything in rapid succession.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I guess in a row, without breath or whatever, it would be one. I've never done the rapid fire sneeze thing and have no idea how it would feel for someone who does get those, and imagine it would probably give someone a headache after a while, sneezing like that.

I'd love to do that just once just to see what it feels like. :drool:

Put me down for five

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When I have a cold I'll sometimes sneeze a double where the second sneeze starts before the first has ended, with not even a short breath in between. It sort of sounds like this, "HERRRESCHHH-ESCHHHH!" It actually leaves me gasping for breath by the end. I've never been able to capture one of these as a wav, but if I do I'll be sure to post it!

:blushing::drool: my absolute hands down fav kind of sneeze. sounds kinda icky for the sneezer though :) as for me, never, ever, ever have i had a double like that :cry: naturally i'll be lucky if i sneeze 2 times in a row, with a pause in between - boooo!!! lol

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