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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Redressing The Balance (self Obs, M)


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As it seems there is a feeling of wanting to hear from the males a little more upon the subject of male sneezing, here's a little something from me, but as I am sure most of you know, observations are not my strong point.

Anyway, I was sat here at my desk relaxing about ten minutes ago and I was hit with a fit of 17 (19 if you include the random double about a minute after the others) sneezes. Pretty powerful by my standards, (I'll refer you to my wavs for a ballpark estimate of my typical sneeze), and each one or two separated by several seconds and a couple/few false starts. They were pretty unspellable really, but definitely body bending and a couple dizzying. Not especially messy but quite wet sounding. Not very split into syllables either, quite "flowing" once they started, but obviously the inhalations were separate from the rest of the sneeze. I suppose "EEEHHssschOO" is nearest the mark, but obviously my wavs are more indicative I should think. The funny thing is that these sneezes were "fuller" than normal. Maybe it has something to do with my slight cold, maybe not, but they were certainly more like my photic sneezes which are disctinctly stronger and fuller than I usually experience.

Actually, that thought gives me an idea....

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MMMMMmm! delicious Hypnos and bless you for sharing your observations as well as your wavs - and your obs have always been very very nice! Blessings sweet.

Thank you,


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Mmm... *Melts.* Good Goddess... o.O;; Thank you, Hyp. That was... breathtaking. I do so love reading your obs and listening to your delectable wavs.


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mmmmmmm..... :P

*Am torn between feeling sorry for you and grinning broadly* ;)

btw- your wavs are very enjoyable... and thanks so much for sharing those obs.


Take care and feel better if you are still under the weather.

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  • 3 years later...
As it seems there is a feeling of wanting to hear from the males a little more upon the subject of male sneezing, here's a little something from me, but as I am sure most of you know, observations are not my strong point.

Anyway, I was sat here at my desk relaxing about ten minutes ago and I was hit with a fit of 17 (19 if you include the random double about a minute after the others) sneezes. Pretty powerful by my standards, (I'll refer you to my wavs for a ballpark estimate of my typical sneeze), and each one or two separated by several seconds and a couple/few false starts. They were pretty unspellable really, but definitely body bending and a couple dizzying. Not especially messy but quite wet sounding. Not very split into syllables either, quite "flowing" once they started, but obviously the inhalations were separate from the rest of the sneeze. I suppose "EEEHHssschOO" is nearest the mark, but obviously my wavs are more indicative I should think. The funny thing is that these sneezes were "fuller" than normal. Maybe it has something to do with my slight cold, maybe not, but they were certainly more like my photic sneezes which are disctinctly stronger and fuller than I usually experience.

Actually, that thought gives me an idea....

omg, 17 in one fit?? :blink:

must've been really tiring! do you remember how long time it was between the sneezes? (intervals, if that's what you call it)

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  • 3 months later...

Holy resurrected threads, people.... this is practically prehistoric! LOL

That being said, I, for one, am ecstatically thankful that obs are not Hypnos's strong point.... cause his weak point is deadly ;)

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  • 1 year later...
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