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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy Barmaid - (6 Parts)


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Hi everyone I just want to say that I have enjoyed a lot of your stories and I thought I would write one to pay you back, I have not written these before so please bare with me.

Sneezy Barmaid

Cass evenly shifted her weight from one foot to another as she walked slowly towards the Wanderer pub where she worked. "This job sucks." She thought to herself and felt exhausted just thinking about the 6 -10pm shift she had to work that night. She checked her watch and saw that it was 5.45, determined not to enter that priison camp a minute early she sat down on a bench outside and felt around for her Ipod. Having jammed the earphones in her ears she suddenly heard "People of the world spice up your life, ahhhh..." she enjoyed the Spice Girls and wished she'd have gone to see them on their comeback tour, before they suddenly disappeared again.

She leaned her head back against the cold, brick wall and suddenly felt a huge tickle in her nose, "Huh..." she let out a single hitch, but then the tickle subsided. It was as though nothing had happed. Cass checked her watch once more, 5.49 and decided she had time to have a fag before going into the pub. Her opinion on banning smoking inside pubs was that it was a stupid idea. Not that she could do it when she was working anyway.


This double hitch was a little stronger than the first one and she found she had to take the hand that wasn't holding the cigerette and shove two fingers under her nose in order to hold it back. She had two reasons for doing this; she didn't want to lunge forward onto her cigerette and she was comfy and didn't want to waste energy on a sneeze. For she knew how powerful and loud her sneezes were...


Well do you like so far? Should I continue?

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Oh yes, please continue!

The last line sounds particularly ominous:

For she knew how powerful and loud her sneezes were...

It's gotta lead to something...

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Well heres the continuation and first sneeze, I'm so glad you like it. :laugh:

Having gained control back over the sneeze, Cass finished up her cigarette and strode into the Wanderer at 5.58. She unfolded her long black coat from around her body to reveal a most embarrassing sight. The uniform she wore to work. She knew the primary reason she was given a job here wasn’t her ability to pull a pint. Indeed her huge breasts, curvy waistline and tight buttocks had to have something to do with it. They were hardly unnoticeable in the white strappy vest-top and tight pair of orange shorts. She slung her coat over the stand in the corner of the bar and Old Ralph, Tony the businessman and Giro George all stared at her. At least these were the locals and it was nothing they hadn't seen before.

Cass's nose still felt a little irritated and she tried wrinkling it a few times to relieve the aggravation, but to no avail. "I don't smell that bad do I?" Asked Giro George, who had been watching her closely. Cass immediately slipped behind the bar and proceeded to pull him a pint of Carling Black Label.

"No, sorry George," she answered blushing like a plump tomato, "I thought I was going to- HUH HUH HUH HUH!" Just in time Cass finished pulling the pint and able to slide two fingers under her nose again. Giro George just blinked at her as though he didn't understand even after that display. Thick as pigshit, thought Cass as he started to walk away with his drink, but even so what could he do to help her. She knew she would have to fend this sneeze off for a little longer because with only three people in the bar it would be a show stopper. Cass looked again at her watch, 6.13 and the pub usually started to fill around 6.30. Only a few more minutes wait.

To take her mind off the building sneeze she began thinking about the dumb stuff she had filled her day with. She had been to get her hair done that day and now it was all black and poker straight, unlike its normal frizzy state. This set her pale, marble skin and deep blue eyes...

"HUH HUH HUUUUUUH HUUUUUUUUH!!" It was no good, it was only 6.16 and she had reached the point now where she had to let this sneeze out. She just had enough time to think about where and how to do this. The ladies was in leg it distances. Wait, she was the only one behind the bar and couldn't leave the till unattended. She had to stay in the room, but just in time she thought, I don't have to see everyone's faces though and squatted down beneath the bar.


"Cass? What are you doing down there?" Cass hadn't heard the bar manager come in from the back way, could she really be in trouble for sneezing?

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I love that that's "as quietly as she could" sneeze ;) This is great! I'll be waiting over here, patiently, for the next part.

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"Oh, evening Jean." Cass spluttered as she greeted her French-born employer as though it was the most natural thing in the world to find her hiding beneath the bar not serving the other two men. Jean didn't say anything else until he had pulled Old Ralph his pint of mild and Tony his Guiness and Black. Meanwhile, Cass had stood back up with a tissue in front of her face, for she wasn't sure the fit was over yet.

"I asked you a kestian..." Jean waited for an an answer drumming his fingers on the side of the bar.

Cass was now in an embaressing position, Jean appeared to know nothing of what just happened and Cass couldn't explain that she had ducked down behind the bar for something as simple as a sneeze. Mind you how the sneeze had not been heard in China she would never know.

"I was looking down there..."

"Stop, remove that hankercheif, I can't hear a word."

"I was looking down there because I think we are running low on bottles of Kroenanburg." This wasn't exactly a lie. Cass looked down at her uniform to see that the sneezing hurricane had pushed her vest top down to nipple level, After adjusting this she brushed her shorts down too. These had aquired a little dust after she toppled over from the force of the sneeze double.

"Oh thank you Cass, will you go and get some from the celler?" Asked Jean, "I'll watch the bar for a Minyouit. Careful, its dark down there."

"Ok, won't be long." Answered Cass. She ran down the stairs muttering, "God, I'm a bar maid, not a fetch and carry girl..." If Jean wasn't so tight, he'd employ someone to run down to the celler and collect the glasses instead of making Cass do it.

She turned on a flash-light and began to peer around for the right box. Her nose began to itch again, but not terribly. She just threw two fingers under it again and rubbed it away. Or so she thought.

She picked up the heavey, dusty box and turned back towards the stars.

"HUH HUH HUH HUUUUUH HUUUUUUH" - No! not in there, for she knew she would break a few things.

Cass raced back up the stairs.


She dumped the box on the bar and did a quick U-turn into the ladies, closing the door behind her.


Cass sneezed her usual double and fell onto the floor of the ladies exhausted.


Any good? I can tell you I enjoyed writing this.

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Cass lay face down on the floor of the ladies, her body was trembling from the sneezy incidents. Cool air blew from the air conditioner, much better than the stffy bar. Even though she didn't wear hardly much in the way clothes for work, she could never complain of being cold. She turned her head sideways as she came around a bit, the light were brighter in here too and that made her feel more alive than in the dark bar and pitch black celler.


Where were all these sneezes coming from? She had sneezed more times during her shift tonight than she had in the past twp weeks and she wasn't allergic or sensitive to anything she knew of. She got up and walked unsteadily into one of the toilet cubicles. She took some tissue and blew her nose. Just as she thought, it was bone dry and there was little point in the exercise. She obviously wasn't getting a cold either.

She turned towards the door again thinking it must be the air pressure of running up and down the stairs.


Well that one sound almost normal length, but the volume was still awful. Cass looked at her watch and saw it was 7.02. She dropped her shoulders and skulked back to ther bar.

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oh. :) my :) god. :blink: you MUST continue!! cass sounds so incredibly sexy and even more so with sneezes like that. CONTINUE!!! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

As Cass re-entered the bar she felt the tickled in her nose subside a little. This cheered her up as she felt she could now do some work without being on sneeze patrol. Shoot! She hadn't noticed that her huge breasts were falling out of her top once more and she had to stuff them back inside. The usual nightly swarm had entered the bar and Jean was going crazy behind it by himself.

"Cass! Get behind here! I don't pay you to sit in the toilets all night!" The whole bar shrieked with laughter at this and turned to look at Cass. She went bright red and quickly ducked behind the bar to hand the drinks out. "No Cass," said Jean, taking hold of her arm, "We have a birthday in the house; I need you on one of the tables."

Oh it was awful having to dance on a table for someone's birthday. Still, that cute guy Matt was in here so it couldn’t be all bad. Cass climbed onto a table-top and began jerking herself from side to side. She felt very awkward and started singing in a shaky voice, "It's your birthday, don't be afraid. It's your birthday, time to get laid."

At this she felt hands on the back of her hips and rubbing her curvy butt. This worried her but when she turned round, she saw it was Matt and smiled at him. She bent forward and rapped a garland of roses around the man's neck to celebrate his birthday and then straightened up while still jiggling.

Men were clinking their pint glasses together in a toast and one must have been so drunk, he'd grabbed a pepper shaker instead,


Poor Cass couldn't even jump down from the table in time and bent double where she was standing.


At this she fell to the floor.

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Unable to move from the fall and shock, Cass suddenly felt an arm around her waist and found herself being pulled backwards outside the Wanderer. She was shacking uncontrolably when she realised that it was Matt who resued her. He sat her down one of the benches outside and put his arm around her.

He really was concerned for her not many people would pass out from the force of sneezing and if she was that ill she should be at home in bed. He wanted to volunteer to be her prince charming, but he didn't know her to well and wasn't to sure how Cass would react.

"Are you OK babe?" He asked, squeezing her shoulder gently.

"Yeh fine thanks - HHHAAACCCHHHOOOOOO!!!" She buried her head once more in her huge breasts.

"I don't think so, I think you need to home. You don't seem well to me."


"You." He answered, just as stubbonly. "Now go inside."

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