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Sneeze Fetish Forum

What is it that you like so much about sneezing?


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What is it about sneezing that you all like to see/feel so much?

In myself, I like the sudden feeling of relief (unless I have a bad cold when relief isn't possible) and if it doesn't come I just sneeze again and again, hahaha...

In other people I like to see or imagine the sudden loss of control that comes with a sneeze, it great to if there are aftermath side effects such as quivvering or heavy breathing.

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I love sneezing myself and watching or listening to others sneeze. It's hard to describe exactly what I feel, but it's sort of a combination of release, relief, excitement and relaxation all rolled into one. I know that probably doesn't make any sense, but it's something I've felt since I was a child, and it never seems to get old.

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The anticipation and loss of control are definitely what I love about seeing someone else sneeze - I always find it that much more amazing if there's some sort of warning before the person sneezes and I get to watch the whole building up to the release... And loss of control is pretty much endemic to sneezing, especially when fits are involved - I'm not sure what it is about a girl just simply losing herself in a sneeze that drives me crazy, but it's definitely one of the simple pleasures in life :D

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Pretty much agree with Mute. Seeing a woman anticipating a sneeze, maybe trying to resist at first, but ultimately losing control and surrendering helplessly to a sneezing fit is my idea of fetish heaven. My own sneezes don't excite me in the same way but I do enjoy the sense of release and find a good sneeze can be liberating and invigorating. I also find inducing my own sneezes is often more fun than natural sneezing because there's more anticipation and build-up to enjoy, but in others I prefer involuntary sneezes from allergies or colds. Seeing someone make themselves sneeze by inserting something into their nose seldom quite does it for me, although there are exceptions. Sometimes it seems there's not the same loss of control if it's something a person is doing deliberately.

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For me, I like the feel of the release of breath/air. I like that feeling when I take a deep breath until I can't hold anymore, then release it, too.

As for what I like in others, I've lately taken a liking to seeing or hearing a buildup. The 'will he sneeze?' thoughts make me crazy. Sniffling gets me going pretty good too. If it's after a sneeze, all the better.

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A sneezing woman just does it for me. Can't place my finger on why or what specifically it is..

Seems that I'm a little unlike others in that my own sneezing does nothing for me.

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Guest snifflessneezypenguin


What is it about sneezing that you all like to see/feel so much?

In myself, I like the sudden feeling of relief (unless I have a bad cold when relief isn't possible) and if it doesn't come I just sneeze again and again, hahaha...

In other people I like to see or imagine the sudden loss of control that comes with a sneeze, it great to if there are aftermath side effects such as quivvering or heavy breathing.

I feel cruel :drool: because I don't enjoy sneezing in myself nearly as much as I enjoy others sneezing. In others I really enjoy the sniffling and breathing and sneezy expressions. Watching someone to see if they're going to sneeze as creepy as it sounds. I also like the aftermath, more sniffling and sometimes watery eyes. The sounds are great too and the loss of control. . . Okay so basically everything.

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It's definitely about loss of control for me. Sneezing is something everyone does sooner or later, and (in girls) it often comes with a really cute sound :laugh: That's how I think of it at least.

As for myself... I usually don't get physically turned on when I sneeze, but I usually do enjoy it. The same feeling of losing control while doing something everyone else does... yeah, I'll go with that. :laugh: Don't know how else to explain it.

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