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Favourite Pocket Packs


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I'd thought I'd take a break from handkerchief discussion and go onto tissues, as I also am very fond of them.

I have just had quite a bad cold, (sorry for not reporting on it by the way), and I was away from home. It wasn't practical for me to carry around a whole box of tissues so instead bought several pocket packs instead.

I bought the Kleenex Ultrabalm, Boots own brand and Tempo packs. I must say they're all much of a muchness but Kleenex, as always, have the edge. The Boots ones, actually, were okay. The Tempo brand isn't that big here in the UK, they're more of German/French brand, and they're quite thick, and not all that soft, but they're good for really heavy blows, like the type I was providing.

I tend to carry at least one pocket pack of tissues with me, just in case ( :rollslow: )

Does anyone here regularly carry these pocket packs, and if so, which ones? Which are the best?

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Sweden isn't really that big on tissue boxes - pocket packs are the most common over here. 10 tissues to a pack, 6-10 packs in a big-pack, so to speak. I've never used Kleenex, although you can get pocket packs of them in a pharmacy, and facial tissues (in boxes) in stores. I usually use a soft brand called Lambi when I have a cold *nodnod* The stores' own brand is usally murder on the nose! :rollslow:


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Yes, I do have a pocket pack in my purse and in my car most of the time.

BUT they are not used for blowing my nose (unless one day I would forget to take a hankie with me), just for all possible other jobs (and noses).

Tempo is brand nr 1 in Belgium and as far as I know the best quality one can get. So it is Tempo for me.


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