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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Stifled Sneezes

Guest New Bound

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Guest New Bound

Hello Forum,

I have had many requests for "stifled sneeze", are there any recommendations on how to coax out a stifled sneeze? Do I just ask the model to hold in the sneeze?

Thanks for the help,


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Yeah, all they have to do is keep their mouth closed when they feel the sneeze coming, I guess. Pinching the nose might help too :P

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Glad you asked! There are different levels of stifling. There is the total stifle where no sound comes out at all, which carries with it the risk of possibly damaging sinus tissue or eardrums when done to excess. I prefer the partial or failed stifle where less pressure is applied to the nose and some quite interesting feminine sounds may emerge. Everybody's will be a little different, like a footprint. For instance I'd really like to hear how your most powerful sneezers sound when they try to stifle. It's also a given that many stiflers will sneeze multiple times when ordinarily they wouldn't because it really makes the irritation worse. A stifled sneeze is not something that can be coaxed out. It's just a normal sneeze where the person tries to silence it as much as possible but sometimes it backfires when the sneeze is so powerful it results in a titanic scream of release. I'm confident some of your models will know exactly what we mean.

Thank you for finding and perusing our little forum. A lot of clip producers stumble onto us but don't bother to ask about our preferences. Also it would be great of you could add 10 second previews to at least some of the clips. It seems to have worked well with other stores.

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