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Spoo's Drabbles (mostly Mystrade, plus some other fandoms)


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About halfway through I started hyperventilating because this is JUST. SO. GOOD. Like, I cannot deal. I have a serious weakness for meet the parent type stories so this was INSANELY up my alley.

Mycroft being like a bristly little cat towards his mother is so, so perfect. Her long rambling sentences were so true to the show; on behalf of everyone with a chatty elderly relative, shut up Mummy! And I love the exchange of him and Greg stamping on each other's feet; Greg is all, "Behave!" and Mycroft is like "Don't mention you're sick!"

Love how Greg tries to muffle his sneezes as much as possible so as not to scare her, hahaha. When you've raised the Holmes bros, I doubt anything scares you anymore. His sniffly double was looooovely.

Baby Mycroft. Oh, poor baby Mycroft! I actually got weirdly emotional at that point? Because of course they would want to burn the album! And of course they used to get along! And of course, OF COURSE, Mummy would treasure the record of that. And God, when she started talking about all his allergies and how ill he used to get it added a whole new side of him. Because obviously he doesn't want Greg mentioning that he's ill because he knows that'll eventually lead to the subject of him being ill. (And also Mummy fusses like nobody's business and that's just annoying.) My heart broke for him a little. (And I love how Greg closes the album after that; I don't know why, it's just a lovely little detail.)

AND OMG. Mummy saying that Mycroft internalizes everything is so so true; and saying that she doesn't understand him. AND SHE IS GLAD GREG IS AROUND OMG. If I was emotional before, I was a tiny little bit of a wreck there.

Excellent as always! (I feel like a teacher?)

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Ok, now I'm alone and can give a proper comment. :) I've been thinking about this all afternoon! I loved it so much, as always of course! I find it interesting, and I suppose it is because that is how "normal" people act, but that Mycroft didn't bless Gregory as well. I'm sure one blessing was enough, :lol: but you captured the normalcy of the situation perfectly, down to Mycroft stomping on Gregor's poor foot! :lol:

But if there was a vocalized complaint on the way out then it would have to wait, for the audible ring of Mycroft's mobile prevented him from voicing anything.

Ah yes, saved by the phone call. I bet it was Anthea! :lol: The Japanese was just a ruse. :)

"I have to hide this," she said, sliding the album across the table. "My boys are always trying to take it from me. To burn it, no doubt."

:lol::lol::lol: I don't think either of them would burn it. Use it as a negotiating/bribing tactic, yes. :yes:

"Oh yes," she nodded. "We went through several treatments, medications, and even some minor surgery on his sinuses."

I love when our head canon's match up. :wub: Also, poor lamb.

"He hardly ever complained about it," Mrs. Holmes noted. "He's always had a tendency to internalize everything. I could never quite understand what he was thinking. I suppose my husband was better at understanding than I was." Greg watched as she reached across and settled her hand on the back of his, patting it very gently. "I'm so glad you're around."

And again here, as well with the head canon. I love how we all see Mycroft like this, it makes him so much more complex and deep, not to mention- complicated.

AND OMG. Mummy saying that Mycroft internalizes everything is so so true; and saying that she doesn't understand him. AND SHE IS GLAD GREG IS AROUND OMG. If I was emotional before, I was a tiny little bit of a wreck there.


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SPOO. :wubsmiley:

I proudly admit that I have just been through this entire thread and have fallen head over heels with your writing. You, bangbang, and cally are officially (in my mind, at least; others, please feel free to agree!) the Three Mystrade Musketeers! :D

:notworthy: I can't brain properly enough to give you adequate feedback for just how wonderful all this goodness is, but I can tell you that my favorite of all had to be either your delirious!Ichabod or your fetish!Greg. :drool: Best. Love. That is all. Thank you.

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This is just fantastically delightful! It's exactly as I imagine it would be! Mummy Holmes calling him Mycie and fussing at his suit and Mycroft just barely tolerating it. And referring to Mr Holmes as having gone out but had to come back because he forgot his wallet. LOL, perfect characterizing.

This description! So wonderfully visual!

Greg eyed his partner, who looked very much like a cat with its ears pinned back and tail fluffed three times the normal size.

"It really is wonderful to have you, Greg dear," she continued, fixing them all some tea. "And to think, I wouldn't have known a thing about you if Sherlock hadn't told me. I rang him just the other day, and he…"

Of course Mycroft would have kept his personal life private from his parents and of course Sherlock would just "happen" to let it slip! Hence the all of the sudden, well I suppose we better go visit from Mycroft.

Greg pictured a ten-year-old Sherlock, clinging to Redbeard's neck and glaring rusted daggers at his teenage brother. It wouldn't have been the first time Mycroft suffered on Sherlock's behalf, he supposed.


The photo album and Greg being all, Awww, over little Mycroft. Cuteness! And Mummy saying she was glad Greg is around. More Awwww.

This was totally not my most coherent comment chain, lol. Let's just say I thought the whole thing was perfect and adorable!

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I can't help it. I keep coming back to Prompt 72 Remedy published in May 2013. As I re read the Drabble I believe this could be an early appearance of Fetish!Greg. Do others agree? Spoo, am I wrong?

I agree with BangBang that "Fetish!Greg is everything I never knew I wanted." I hope you are writing more.

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I can't help it. I keep coming back to Prompt 72 Remedy published in May 2013. As I re read the Drabble I believe this could be an early appearance of Fetish!Greg. Do others agree? Spoo, am I wrong?

I agree with BangBang that "Fetish!Greg is everything I never knew I wanted." I hope you are writing more.

Firstly, thank you so much! :hug:

To be completely honest, fetish!Greg didn't exist back then. He was actually a concept I fleshed out with cally and bangbang this year. But! Looking back at that prompt you can definitely interpret it that way :yes: (if you're reading it with fetish!Greg already in mind).

I'm in the process of writing for other things, but writing some more Mystrade is always a possibility! :D

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