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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Well, I'm posting this all in one thread because..


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Well, as the title said...


First, a couple of nights ago, I had this REALLY wierd fetish-related dream.

I'd usually tell my friends first, but this was way too wierd for them to be bothered about it.

First, I was in school assembly, and our headteacher said something which made me listen.

"Could all people with a fetish please stand up?"

I, of course, didn't want to do this, but two of my friends, whom I know both have different fetishes, encouraged me to stand, but they stood with me.

Strangely, LOADS of people stood. (In a school in which there's over 1,000 students, that's to be expected, I guess.)

Then, he talked to each of us fetishists in turn, asking us what our fetish was. Then, we were put in groups of related fetishes.

I can't really remember this part, but for some reason, the sneeze fetishists were put in a HUUUUUGE dark room, and there was loads of stuff.

There was feathers, dog fur, cat fur, rabbit fur (Which I'm allergic to), pepper, and loads of other stuff.

Our objection was to sneeze as much as possible.

A bell rang, signalling 'go'.

Then I woke up.


Why do dreams aways stop when you get to the good part!?

And, a smaller note, one of my friends is a gemaphobe. XD

We're doing microbes and diseases in science, and while i'm enjoying it, she's giving everyone hand sanatiser whenever we go near germs, or when someone sneezes. It's hilarious!


I am sick and keep sneezing. >.<

Sadly, i've been too ignorant to keep obs for you guys.


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Wow, what a bizarre dream... I can just see it being one of those really surreal feeling ones though, almost being believable enough to seem true... How did you feel the entire time you were being "grouped"? And I wonder how mnay of us might have been brave enough to have done the same thing as you did (dunno if I would have been really, and I always consider myself pretty brave with regards to fetish stuff :D). Cool dream though, thanks for sharing :D

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Great dream! I think if I were in a (highly unlikely) situation like that... if I saw other people standing, I probably would. If it were narrowed to sneeze fetish though... well I don't know. Certainly if I saw no one else standing I wouldn't, but if there were others, I might. It would be sooo awkward though...

Why do dreams aways stop when you get to the good part!?

I've been asking myself the same thing for forever now :lol:

Also, in regards to your wanting to share obs, don't worry about it if you can't. :) But of course, if you can, nothing's stopping you ;)

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Wow, what a bizarre dream... I can just see it being one of those really surreal feeling ones though, almost being believable enough to seem true... How did you feel the entire time you were being "grouped"? And I wonder how mnay of us might have been brave enough to have done the same thing as you did (dunno if I would have been really, and I always consider myself pretty brave with regards to fetish stuff :lol: ). Cool dream though, thanks for sharing ;)

About the grouped thing, I felt really embarrassed, cause everyone was...staring at me.

And there was only about 3-4 of us in the group. XP


I completely forgot about this!

I made a poem about the SFF while I was half asleep and thought it was decent enough to put in my little sneeze fetish story book. (Where I hide my little stories that I love and will probably only post one of them whenever I get it finished.)

Oh dear SFF,

I do love thee.

You are my diamond in the ring,

because you know everything.

You are my topping on the cake,

because of all the fics you make

You are the fruit on the trees.

You mean everything to me.

There are always more of 'em,

The people at the Sneeze Fetish Forum!


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