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Has this ever happened to anyone?


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I wear glasses, and about half an hour ago I sneezed, and I saw spray on the lenses. :P Has this ever happened to anyone? Sorry if this grossed some people out.


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No; I wear glasses and this has never happened to me. I'm wondering how that even *could* happen, since your eyes are up *there* and your nose is down *there*. Maybe your eyes sprayed? :P Unless you had your glasses off sitting on the table or something? :laugh:

It's a mystery, I guess.

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I wear glasses and the most I've ever had happen when I sneeze is that they fall off :P

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I wear glasses and the most I've ever had happen when I sneeze is that they fall off :P

:laugh: that actually happened to me too once, wolf! As for your question, no, but it would be kinda cool :)

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hate to be the one to disagree (oh wait, I LOVE to be that one!) but I wear reading glasses, and whenever I'm wearing them and I feel like I'm gonna sneeze, I take them off quick and put them aside, because I ALWAYS end up having to clean them otherwise. never thought much about the mechanics...but there ya go :blushing:

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Well Im no Lawyer, but I would think the ensueing action of ones head being thrown forward from a sneeze, perhaps puts ones glasses or face in the vicinity of the spray that is forced out. Does anyone understand that, like your head bucks forward so fast you just put it in the spray thats there. Hmm wish I could draw a diagram, but thats my theory. It has happened to me once, to also answer the question on hand.

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I checked on this again today while sneezing after mowing the lawn. *checks glasses* Nope!

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happens to me all the time Lambo, don't worry about it :blushing: It happens less if I don't cover.

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Oh I'm not worried Lynne. :inlove: Rather, j'etais curieux.*

*French for "I was curious".


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