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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Changes Part 1 - Fur


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Hi hope you are all going to enjoy this little summer treat from me, I got the idea from a video I watched on youtube the other day.

Changes Part 1 – Fur

Tinkerbelle was really a very sweet and understanding little fairy, despite being feeling very jealous of Peter’s relationship with Wendy. We all know that story and as a consequence, Tink was often made out to be a fairy that was always causing trouble and never facing consequences. In the story of Peter Pan, we never got to hear much about Tink herself, only Tink in terms of someone else. We never knew about the fairies’ likes, dislikes, pass times, problems or worries, Tink did indeed live in Never Never Land and this often was made out in the story to be a place where worries did not exist. A problem with the story is that it is told from a child’s point of view, not a fairies’ and not wishing to pass judgment on all fairies, but Tink did have problems of her own...

She lived in a converted bird house halfway up the trunk of a palm tree, and although she was more than two miles away from James Hook’s galleon she could still often hear the low and rumbling laughter from either James or Smee. Laughter such as this usually indicated that they were conjuring a new plan to come and take off with the Lost Boys and feed them to the same crocodile that ate Captain Hook’s hand. To be honest, Tink was not sure whose presence on the island got on her nerves more so, the pirates’ or the Lost Boys’. At the end of the day, her own presence did nothing to anyone and her own life would be just as comfortable if one, or both, of the groups were to leave the island. However, she was in no position at all to suggest leaving to either of the groups – she was only 9.75 centimetres tall.

Tink wore a little dress, yellow with no arm straps and was very short to shows off her long legs. Her blond hair was tied up in a bun and she also wore pink ballet slippers, which didn’t match the dress at all. This outfit had been chosen by Wendy and taken from one of her Barbie dolls at home. Tink didn’t like the plasticky, corporate feeling this outfit brought with it, but knew Wendy could have done a lot worse and brought her a fur coat to wear. Tink had a very embarrassing fur allergy, it made her sneeze terribly, and when I say terribly I mean it would be impossible to think that such a small fairy could make a noise so loud. From Tink’s point of view, the sneezes wear also so strong that they could blow her away, they were so strong. Luckily for Tink, there weren’t many fur bearing animals around where she lived, unless you counted John’s cat, which often stayed in his hut anyway.

One evening Tink was in her house when she heard the sound of the lost boys shouting and crowing. They were coming to dinner, “About time,” said Tink out loud, “I’m starving.” The Lost Boy’s long table was directly below her house and she fluttered her big silky wings in order to get down to earth and nibble a chicken wing, her nose began to itch, but she didn’t think anything of it until she heard, “Meow meow,” coming from behind her. Oh no, John’s cat had obviously followed him here and seemed increasingly interested in Tink’s chicken. Why is it, that whenever you don’t want furry animals around, they always seemed to want you in particular? Tink the rest of her chicken at the cat in order to get it to go away and she could feel the tickle in her nose building. She knew she would have to let this sneeze out and cupped her hands over her nose and mouth, “ITCHEEEWW!, Ugh, sorry boys...”

At this point Tink was feeling a little embarrassed because, although this sneeze was quite small, it had still brought silence to the dinner table and made the leaves around it rustle. This wasn’t Tink’s biggest problem though, as her speech now sounded very congested and naisily and her nose was stuffing up faster than she could blow it. Maybe she had had enough dinner for one night and spread her wings and thought about flying back to her house and having an early night. “Eberyboby, I’mb not feeling btoo goob – AAACCHHHOOOO! – sorry, I’mb goingb to bed.” Tink attempted to announce her retirement, but sneezed halfway through and this one nearly sent her rocketing into the punch bowl. Tink flew back into her small converted bird house and began to hunt for the doll’s house sized handkerchiefs, given to her by Wendy.

If she needed these hankies at anytime, now would have been a good time to have left one lying around. Try as she might, Tink had completely forgotten where she had put them. Her nose was running like a waterfall and she kept snuffling and rubbing it with her hands. This was making the itching worse not better and pretty soon she had to sneeze again, she had just enough time to look around for an open window and discover there wasn’t one, “AAAA AAAACCCCCHHHHOOOOOOO- CCCHHHHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The force sent all of Tink’s possessions crashing down around her ears and she gently rubbed her wet nose again. “Maybe being inside is not the best place for me right now.” Thought Tink as she flew out of the door. She flew straight up to the top of the palm tree where her house was, ripping leave from all the trees as she went.

When she had reached the top branch of the tree she settled there and took hold of the leaves in her cupped hands. She blew very fiersily down her nose, holding one nostril shut and then doing the same for the other one. Once she was confident she had expelled all the mucus, she still held the leaves in place and continued to massage her poor nose. Unbeknownst to Tink, a squirrel had crept up behind her, for he had been trying to sleep in the tree and had got up to see what all the noise was about. Confident that she could breathe through her nose again, Tink removed the leaves and felt she should get back to her house and straighten it up again. She still hadn’t seen the squirrel, although it wouldn’t have made a difference if she had. She became airborne when the sudden urge to sneeze hit her once more. “AAAACCCCHHHHAAAA – Oh gosh no – AAAACCCCCHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!”

This time the force sent her rocketing straight backwards and away from Never Never Land, I wonder where those giant sneezes meant the little fairy would end up?

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Terrific! I love the idea of Wendy giving her hankies! So true in so many ways....

I expect she'll be back and sneezing while hiding from Capt Hook very soon. Makes a change from the giantess style sneeze!

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Completely adorable! Even a regular, human-sized sneeze would probably toss her around quite a bit.

For some reason, I always imagined that because Tinkerbelle (or any other fairy, for that matter) was so tiny, her nostrils would be smaller than anything that get could get inside and make her sneeze. I guess not. ;)

I hope we'll get to find out where her sneezes ended up taking her soon!

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Great story and concept. I am kind of with everyone else about the sneezes but I did enjoy and hope for more soon.

Lovely hun

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Thank you very much everyone I'm glad you liked it. I am working on part 2 now, I don't know why I decided to use Tinkerbelle, as I have never liked her character very much.

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