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"Looks like someone has a bad cold!"


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This is my first obs! I have no allergies and pretty much never get sick myself, so this happened a couple of years ago, but oh well.

It was around this time of year, maybe a bit later, an uncomfortably hot day. I was working in an information centre that summer, and this woman came in with her daughter wanting to know... something about something. I don’t remember, but I definitely remember the daughter. (She was college-aged, pretty close in age to me at the time, fyi.) Anyway, usually when someone sneezes or something I definitely take note of it, but don’t often let myself glance or look at them unless they’re, like, in my direct line of sight, but this girl had, without a doubt, the worst cold I’d ever seen and I couldn’t help staring a bit. I really don’t think she noticed me being a creepster, though, so that’s okay.

I heard her before I actually saw her because I was talking to another group when she came in. She sniffled this super-congested sniffle and it was immediately apparent that she’d come down with a dreaded summer cold, which is just about my favourite thing ever. And I wasn’t the only one who noticed it, because then I heard my co-worker say, "Looks like someone has a bad cold!" Seriously. I couldn’t hear what she answered, but I heard her sniffle again, deeply.

Inwardly I was thinking OH MY GOD, but I somehow managed to finish my conversation coherently, that group left, and then the mom chatted with us for awhile while the daughter mostly wandered around blearily, looking at brochures and dabbing delicately at her nose with a crumpled-up tissue. She looked so sick; I just wanted to make her tea. She was pale, and her nose was pink and irritated looking and chapped all the way down to her lips, which I thought only happened in sneeze fics. It actually looked kind of swollen. Her eyes looked swollen too, and very tired.

She didn’t sneeze the whole time she stayed, (about ten minutes) but she sniffled almost constantly, these thick, damp, snuffly sniffles that sounded like no air was getting through her nose at all, and she coughed weakly a few times against what must have been an overwhelming wall of congestion. She didn’t blow her nose either, but I honestly don’t think she could. She was that stuffed up. It was amazing.

They were on vacation, so after this happened I made it up in my head that she’d caught cold on a long flight from someone with the head cold from hell. Sigh.

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Just a fantastic Obs. Thank you...even though there were no blows, I just loved the description of such a horrid cold.


This is my first obs! I have no allergies and pretty much never get sick myself, so this happened a couple of years ago, but oh well.

It was around this time of year, maybe a bit later, an uncomfortably hot day. I was working in an information centre that summer, and this woman came in with her daughter wanting to know... something about something. I don’t remember, but I definitely remember the daughter. (She was college-aged, pretty close in age to me at the time, fyi.) Anyway, usually when someone sneezes or something I definitely take note of it, but don’t often let myself glance or look at them unless they’re, like, in my direct line of sight, but this girl had, without a doubt, the worst cold I’d ever seen and I couldn’t help staring a bit. I really don’t think she noticed me being a creepster, though, so that’s okay.

I heard her before I actually saw her because I was talking to another group when she came in. She sniffled this super-congested sniffle and it was immediately apparent that she’d come down with a dreaded summer cold, which is just about my favourite thing ever. And I wasn’t the only one who noticed it, because then I heard my co-worker say, "Looks like someone has a bad cold!" Seriously. I couldn’t hear what she answered, but I heard her sniffle again, deeply.

Inwardly I was thinking OH MY GOD, but I somehow managed to finish my conversation coherently, that group left, and then the mom chatted with us for awhile while the daughter mostly wandered around blearily, looking at brochures and dabbing delicately at her nose with a crumpled-up tissue. She looked so sick; I just wanted to make her tea. She was pale, and her nose was pink and irritated looking and chapped all the way down to her lips, which I thought only happened in sneeze fics. It actually looked kind of swollen. Her eyes looked swollen too, and very tired.

She didn’t sneeze the whole time she stayed, (about ten minutes) but she sniffled almost constantly, these thick, damp, snuffly sniffles that sounded like no air was getting through her nose at all, and she coughed weakly a few times against what must have been an overwhelming wall of congestion. She didn’t blow her nose either, but I honestly don’t think she could. She was that stuffed up. It was amazing.

They were on vacation, so after this happened I made it up in my head that she’d caught cold on a long flight from someone with the head cold from hell. Sigh.

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Just a fantastic Obs. Thank you...even though there were no blows, I just loved the description of such a horrid cold.


Thanks! I tried, but I feel like I couldn't quite capture in words just how stuffy she was. Although everything about colds makes me go awww, sneezing is what really gets me, but this is still probably my favourite obs of all time. I've never seen someone that full of cold just go about their day like that; most people I'm sure would just go to bed and stay there for a week.

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Just a fantastic Obs. Thank you...even though there were no blows, I just loved the description of such a horrid cold.


Thanks! I tried, but I feel like I couldn't quite capture in words just how stuffy she was. Although everything about colds makes me go awww, sneezing is what really gets me, but this is still probably my favourite obs of all time. I've never seen someone that full of cold just go about their day like that; most people I'm sure would just go to bed and stay there for a week.

I'm with you. I knew a woman in college who went home on a friday night...she lived down the hall from me. When she left, I said bye and she was fine- not even a sniffle. On sunday..maybe 40 hrs later, she came back and passed my open door with what appeared to be the reddest nose I'd ever seen. It was truly awe inspiring for a cold fetishist (unkinown at the time). I called her in and said...'my goodness, what happened to you?" to which she told me a tale of getting caught in a snow storm with a friend who was sick. It was finals season and we were all run down. The combo hit her with what appeared to be the worst nose-cold you can imagine. she actually pointed to her completely chapped nostril and said to me..."cad you believe this doze? I've dever had a doze this ruddy and stuffed id by life...this cold hit be like a tud of bricks and just got worse ed worse". I had the glory of hearing her sneeze and blow and sneeze and blow for the next 3 days. By the end, her nostrils were magenta...her lips chapped from endless mouth breathing and every time she'd blow, the snotty honk would cause her ears to pop and the soreness would make her groan. She'd then reach for carmex and dab it from one side of her nose to the other. It was again,a memory that to this day still excites me. I draw on it whenever I see a heavily cold infested nose...as you seem to be describing.

Thanks for the memories! Wouldlove to hear more...you and I seem to be on the same page. I'm a sneeze lover mostly because of its inevitable end inside of a tissue but hey, whatever gets you going.LOL/

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Oh my god, getting sick during finals would suck so hard! And it's such a breeding ground for catching stuff, too, being so stressed and - I'm not especially germaphobic, but I used to totally get that way during exams. We wrote them in this massive building and it would be like this cacophony of sneezing and coughing in there every time; it actually freaked me out a bit.

Thanks for the memories! Wouldlove to hear more...you and I seem to be on the same page.

We do! I love the congested talk you described, so cute! Umm, thinking, well, one of my old roommates got the sneeziest colds I've ever seen, and once she got REALLY sick - I feel very sisterly towards her so it didn't affect me so much as stand out in my memory - but I can describe it a little. We spent the day watching the Back To The Future movies and she was super sneezy so she kept a Kleenex box on her lap and brought the garbage can over to the sofa next to her to throw them away into. She sneezed these wet, harsh, loud sneezes into the tissues about every two to five minutes, always singles, and blew her nose almost as much. This went on, literally, all day. At one point she drifted off and woke up with a sneeze and kind of snotted all of over herself in the process, which we found hilarious. She sneezed so much she lost her voice the next day, and stayed sounding congested for about a week and a half after that. I think she ended up with a sinus infection in the end, which wasn't as fun. :D

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Oh my god, getting sick during finals would suck so hard! And it's such a breeding ground for catching stuff, too, being so stressed and - I'm not especially germaphobic, but I used to totally get that way during exams. We wrote them in this massive building and it would be like this cacophony of sneezing and coughing in there every time; it actually freaked me out a bit.
Thanks for the memories! Wouldlove to hear more...you and I seem to be on the same page.

We do! I love the congested talk you described, so cute! Umm, thinking, well, one of my old roommates got the sneeziest colds I've ever seen, and once she got REALLY sick - I feel very sisterly towards her so it didn't affect me so much as stand out in my memory - but I can describe it a little. We spent the day watching the Back To The Future movies and she was super sneezy so she kept a Kleenex box on her lap and brought the garbage can over to the sofa next to her to throw them away into. She sneezed these wet, harsh, loud sneezes into the tissues about every two to five minutes, always singles, and blew her nose almost as much. This went on, literally, all day. At one point she drifted off and woke up with a sneeze and kind of snotted all of over herself in the process, which we found hilarious. She sneezed so much she lost her voice the next day, and stayed sounding congested for about a week and a half after that. I think she ended up with a sinus infection in the end, which wasn't as fun. :P

Oh yes...nasal talk is the best. Ms R Bs and Ns R Ds. Drives me nuts...i've known a few people who catch colds that way EVERY time. No matter what, they talk thru their noses and I just can't get enough even when they sound like 5 year olds;-)

Also, you seem to like the catching-a-cold-on-a-plane-while-on-vacation scenario. Can you believe it...one of my favorites and it happened on my honeymoon. I kid you not. My wife and I flew to the islands for a week of fun in the sun. Well, the plane was cold as ice and she was pretty wasted from the wedding stress. Anyway...she was literally shivering on the plane and by the time we landed, her nose was running like a fountain. I have pictures of her all week with a red nose. Now, understand...my wife catches 1 cold a year...maybe 2 if I'm lucky;-). When they come...they start with a sore throat...then a sneeze....then a blow deluge. When she starts coughing, she begins to honk and I'm basically in for a week of intense sexual frustration. This is ALWAYS the cycle and it hasn't deviated...except for that honeymoon. I've alwats been amazed by the sudden onset of symptoms and our honeymoon cold hit her in about 2 hrs. Now, I know all the studies that say you can't catch a cold from being cold...but this one time, I swear that's how it appeared. Just a wonderful memory!


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Wow, telltale, this is such a to-die-for obs. Absolutely beautiful. No wonder it has stuck in your mind. If I was where you were witnessing that glorious cold, I wonder if I would have stayed on my feet... :D Thank you for sharing!

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Thanks, Shiny_bug! Sneezing is really what gets me, as I'm sure it is for most people on this forum, but this is still one of my favourite obs ever. And it was harder than I thought it would be to capture in writing what was so great about it, so I'm glad to hear you liked it.

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  • 1 year later...

This is one of my favorite obs ever. Just saying.

I love this kind of bad cold, the congested voice, the red nose and everything. It totally makes me want to take care of people.

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Great obs, thank you.

Even though I don't usualy like female obs as much as male, this sure is one of the best I've read. Why don't I ever come across people with bad colds like that..?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

How come I've missed this gem of an obs? What a pleasure to read an obs that features such sexy sniffing for a change! Thankyou for posting. :clown2:

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I've wanted to comment on this for quite a while but afraid of rejuvinating an old post... haha

AMAZING obs. ^_^ the detail you described was just... ^_^

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 years later...

I'm usually not into female obs, but this was really great. OMG, this is such an old post, probably no one will ever read this comment.

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