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Hayfever, anyone ?


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Have the pollen counts been particularly high this year ?

I've had a mild case of hayfever for a few days now, the first time in a couple of years. People say you can grow out of hayfever, so it's good to see that it is not the case (or at least not yet!).

Have any other borderline hayfever sufferers found that they are reacting ?

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The pollen here is wicked this year. When I drive home from work, God forbid I have the window open. I finally had it down today (after like a week straight of rain). I was congested almost immediately it seemed, and then pretty much sneezed my face off for about 2 full minutes as I drove down the highway...I guess maybe three sets of seven. Good times, like an accident waiting to happen. :) Now I just have that lovely allergic burn in my eyes. Mmmm. FANTASTIC. (Sarcasm, anyone?)

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Im not a sufferer of hayfever, but an observer. Here in Berlin we had a lot of rain within last weeks and it was quite cold and so for my opinion the pollen count is at a lower level. I remember years there were much more just at this time in June (there is the birthday of my mum tomorrow and so I have this decade in my mind)- But ofcourse there can be a heavy change within a day, if there will be more sun - I hope it for me and my observations, but of course I commiserate the sufferers (a bit :) ).

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I dunno, I think I ight be getting some this year (a first). I'm just a little more sneezy than usual, sometimes there are tiny tickles that don't materialise which is odd. My eyes and throat aren't really affected though.

Perhaps the high count is kicking my immune system around. Woot.

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I'm not sure if the pollen levels were high but tree pollen seemed to be really bad for me this year... lol mute didnt mind

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It seems to have high pollen counts in most of the european countries, send some of it overseas to the US! :rolleyes:

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Mine seems to be acting up a bit now as it's finally started to get decently hotter here the last few days. It's definitely nowhere near as bad as at it's peak last summer, but I've still had days where I went into 3 or 4 pretty impressive fits...

As far as the pollen counts, they've been depressingly low most of the summer here. There were maybe three days in May where tree pollen was above 200 (blondy's "bad" days :yeaahh:), but grass pollen hasn't gotten over 80 since the season's started (meaning we haven't had an official "High" day yet :D.

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I've been sneezing quite a lot in the last couple of weeks and having to blow far more often than usual. I'm not complaining ;) and this year I seem to have got away without my eyes being affected, just wish I could work out which pollen I'm allergic to!

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You don't want to know how bad my hayfever is although most of you people who talk to me in the chatrom probably do! Sorry if I am annoying you all but no joke I am sneezing and blowing about every 20 minutes and I sneezed and made my nose bleed last night. I don't always take meds for it either because they tend to give me insomnia.

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Meh, I'm always restless and in this heatwave I'm an insomniac anyway.

Ok, so you have no known allergies but this yeah, with a hugh pollen count, you're sneezing maybe 10 times a week, usually in groups of 4-5 per day. This is a new level. Do you have mild hay fever?

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You don't want to know how bad my hayfever is although most of you people who talk to me in the chatrom probably do! Sorry if I am annoying you all but no joke I am sneezing and blowing about every 20 minutes and I sneezed and made my nose bleed last night. I don't always take meds for it either because they tend to give me insomnia.

This is not annoying at all :rolleyes: But sorry to hear about all the suffering :D

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Oh Susie, that's the worst! My allergies have been kickin my butt this year, but they do every year. M wasnt too bad this year because he *now* takes meds everyday during allergy season. GARRRRGGHHH. So, to answer the question, yes--High pollen count.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i dont know i get terrible hayfever so some days i cant leave the house. it is a high coun this year though.

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It's been more frustrating for me this year than usual, because the urge will just sit there, and never materialize. UGH.

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Ive been sneezing ALOT more this year, but I dont think its the pollen count. My new job has me working OUTSIDE. A concept foreign to me. :innocent: Im used to my air conditioined office. :laugh: Not the 105 desert heat of the day. :D

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Where I live, the pollen counts are hellish on a normal basis. :/ I'm not normally affected (and I absolutely love watching my classmates come fall and spring x3), but this year I seem to have developed a milder form. Thank goodness it's just nose stuff...I'm not complaining. (: More for me, eh?

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I wrote in the "Question for the allergy sufferers" thread, I like your descriptions of suffering from hay fever. So thanks for running this thread, and please keep it going ... :)

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