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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Someone being secure with sneezing


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Hey everyone, long time no see.

So as I was reading the "Favorite Sneezing Quotes" topic, it made me think of something peculiar about my fetish and I was wondering if anyone else felt the same as me:

Some people are attracted to seeing other people sneeze with frustration. In other words, some people might be turned on to the fact that the sneezer does not like losing control of his/her body in public.

I on the other hand like it when a girl sneezes in public and is not ashamed of it. It turns me on more when someone smiles, giggles, or makes a POSITIVE comment after they sneeze, as opposed to "I hate sneezing!" I also prefer when a girl blesses me at least once, ESPECIALLY if they're my friend, as opposed to ignoring my 15 sneezes and then saying something like "What's your problem? Are you sick?"

Sometimes if I'm with someone who I know is very secure with the whole sneezing thing, and they sneeze numerous times in a row, I might even throw in a comment to juice up the conversation like, "Got an itchy nose?" If they happily elaborate on that it drives me crazy! :rolleyes: But I have to be careful who I say that to, or I might get a strange look :cry:

Just wondering if anyone has a similar preference. Please share your opinions!

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I think you' ve hit the nail on the head, and personally I don't mind either way! Two of my favourite all-time female sneezers couldn't be more dissimilar to each other. The first was a girl a shared a desk with in English lessons back at school in the late Eighties. As already outlined on my profile, it was because of her that I discovered that I found female sneezes very intriguing, which gradually developed into a full fetish. One Spring shortly after snuffling her way through her mock exams with a particularly bad cold, she then developed bad hayfever. I was absolutely hooked by the fact that such a sweet, lovely person could be plagued by sneezing fits (usually consisting of four rapid "atishoo"s), which could only be relieved / contained by the ritual of aggressive nose rubbing with her left hand fingers, and what a sight for sore eyes it was! The peak of her nose being scrunched around at speed, often for around twenty revolutions of the wrist! The point is, that in spite of her ailments, she never let her hayfever get her down, was always in good spirits, and laughed of any comments or "bless you" remarks made by the teacher! She always had to ask around for a spare tissue as well!!!

Conversely, the second female was my evil ex-boss, who seemed to get a kick out of putting her staff down. A relatively young lady in her early Twenties, she was very ambitious, quite physically attractive but not one for smiling. On the plus side, she had a naturally nasal voice and was prone to sneezing in threes (cause not known), usually in the mornings. Needless to say, when her put-downs, griping or instructions were interrupted by one of her fits, it was difficult for me contain my private excitement - the loss of her dignity and contortions of her face were a major turn on. My favourite memory is of her sat casually on a tabletop one day b*l*o*k*ng me over something of nothing, when she burst out into one of her legendary fits. She was only able to contain herself through an extremely loud snotty nose blow, the tissue paper of which was more like a toilet roll, it being scrunched up in her hands, but with an extemely long length dangling down towards her waist, over her short tight skirt.

Happy days!

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Is this really a peculiar taste? In which case , as so often, I'm part of the peculiar tendency. I much prefer it if a person actually enjoys sneezing; we are told that most people do, and it's only a minority who find something natural and relieving in some way embarrassing. I don't take any sadistic pleasure in people being forced to do something painful to them [well, very little]. I like it when they enjoy sneezing and remark on the fact. On a practical level it seems to be what I believe is known as a no-brainer. Obviously if people don't like sneezing they're not going to do it as much, eg by inducing or letting colds and hayfever run free. They'll be less inclined to play along. Or to indulge in sneezy conversation. Ultimately, someone who enjoys sneezing is halfway to being a fetishist [or perhaps all the way].

In fact, I'm very surprised that supposedly people prefer it if people hate sneezing. Certainly not my experience and to me that would be very peculiar.

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In fact, I'm very surprised that supposedly people prefer it if people hate sneezing. Certainly not my experience and to me that would be very peculiar.

I see what you're saying. I didn't really mean to imply that people prefer it when other people hate sneezing. What I meant was that some people are not comfortable with sneezing in public (or losing control in any way in public), because it can be embarrassing. These people seem unhappy when they're sneezing (if that makes sense), while on the other hand someone who doesn't mind sneezing in public or losing control will just let it happen naturally and treat the resulting attention as a funny moment, rather than an uncomfortable moment.

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