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Enjoying distant/absent family members sneeze?


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Hmm, well, I know alot of us hate hearing/seeing our family members sneeze and vice versa. I was wondering if any of you didn't mind or even enjoyed sneezing in front of or hearing a family member sneeze if they were distant or absent.

For example:

Growing up I barely ever saw my mother. On the few occasions I did get to spend time with her I would immensely look forward to hearing her sneeze or sneezing in front of her. We both are photic sneezers and I remember making sure to look into the sun to induce sneezing (I almost always sneeze in sets of four) when I was around her hoping she would notice and comment. However, usually when I sneezed she would just look mildly annoyed or simply give me a passive look. Only a few times do I remember her blessing me or responding in a similarly "positive" fashion. Despite all this I always really enjoyed her sneezes and continued to attempt to engage her in all manners of sneezing (up until my teenage years; now I just kind of resent her).

I also have an aunt whos sneezes I find very appealing.

Any of you ever experience this?

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I don't know if this is really what you were looking for, but I gotta admit, there are two people I don't mind sneezing, who I guess can be considered family. One would be my father-in-law. Man, his are really nice. And because he is hubby's step-father, they aren't related by blood, and I figure it's okay to like his. :drool:

The other one I will mention is also not related to me by blood. He is my cousin, Jay. Jay is my aunt's step-son. But growing up, Jay always had horrible hay fever. I remember spending weeks during the summer at their house, and Jay not even being able to go outside for long because of his hay fever. And he would sneeze multiple times, with small pauses in between. His sneezes were loud, and unrestrained. Anyway, he must have grown out of it, because now when we are all together for cookouts and parties, I don't get to hear him anymore. :hug:

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lol Yes, I'd say that is much more normal than me. No blood relation. My sitution seems to be somewhat different in that not many people grow up barely ever seeing a parent. I guess I'm just weird like that. :hug:

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Hm, interesting question. At first I was going to say "No way," but now that I think about it, that's mainly for my parents. :hug: I think one of my aunts sneezed once and I sorta liked it. And I have twin cousins, both female but not fraternal, that live a few states away and I rarely get to see. They're about my age, and though I haven't yet, I wanna hear one or both of them sneeze (but should that really count? :drool:).

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I have a first cousin, whom I will admit, I like to hear sneeze. She actually sneezes fairly frequently too. I don't like my aunt's sneezes, nor my mother's. I sort of like my dad's, but I'm very weird since I don't have to be attracted to someone, to like their sneeze, and liking someone's sneeze, for me, means nothing other than they have a quality to their sneeze that I like. Interestingly, most of the time, I don't really want to DO anything with them, but if I am doing something with someone, I want them to sneeze. :hug:

I'm kind of complex, but yes, *some* family members sneezes are good.


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Haha, now that I think about it I also have a cousin who I don't see very often (she lives in Tel Aviv) and I am quite fond of her sneezes as well. What is weird is that she has this loud harsh sounding sneeze that typically I don't like. For some reason I find it very attractive in her.

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Yeah, I have a second cousin or whatever relation he is to me (lol, is it sad that I have no clue? :jawdrop: ) that I'd absolutely LOVE to see sneeze. Like I just said, I don't know how he's related to me so he could be blood related or he could not be. I mean, he's REALLY distant. He lives five hours away and ive seen him three times in seven/eight years.

That being said, I *used* to really love my mom's and dad's, and sometimes even my little brother's sneezing while I was going through my first stages of puberty...but now I know that that was only due to the fact that I had only just realized I was sexually attracted to sneezes and I hadn't really experienced many hot guys sneezing so basically any sneezing around me would do as long as I got to experience it all the time, and of course since I live with them, I did. Now, I find their sneezes VERY huge turn-offs. Like............VERY VERY VERY. Sometimes when my mom has a sneeze attack now, I in return have a panic attack. Literally. I have panic disorder. The attraction went away when my friends and schoolmates started sneezing often, and once I found this forum and all the lovely things online. :oops:

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I actually have a cousin (technically she's my first cousin, once removed - I just looked it up ;)) whose sneeze I've always loved. I don't see her often at all, maybe two or three times a year, so I'm sure that factors into it.

Anyway, when she does come she usually stays for a few days, and is one of those people who just always seems to have a stuffy/tickling nose, so I've had some incredible obs from her over the years... She has that great sort of three part girly half-stifle that I love so much: "aah-gnnk-CHEW!".

I think everyone has their own personal cutoff where we can enjoy a relations' sneeze without it being taboo - the distance with which the person can be related to us changing for everyone.

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I remember one of my dad's cousins (so my second cousin?) coming to our farm to stay one summer. He had terrible allergies and sneezed constantly. I was probably nine or ten years old at the time, and I think that he's probably the guy that made me realize I had the fetish in the first place. Although I didn't know that's what it was called.

I saw him about a year ago again, and his sneeze still turned me on, so I didn't grow out of it. I think he's distant enough for me not to count him as family. However I also know that I didn't really hate hearing family sneeze until I was twelve or thirteen and really started to understand my own sexuality. I think probably a lot of people had some of their first exposure to their own fetish from members of their family. Maybe. I dunno.

I also think that distant family (and that could mean distant as in mostly absent and not usually around, or distant as in not very closely related) is a lot easier to take sneezing, because they seem more like strangers or friends than blood.

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Yes, I agree with that 100%. It doesn't bother me too much when my dad or step-mom (who is really more of a mom to me) sneeze, but I certainly do NOT get aroused by it. Whereas, with more distant family that I don't see too often, I tend to get a bit excited.

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