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Nose-blowing changes over time?


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Hi, all!

Just thought of a question that might bring on some good tales.

I got to thinking about how and if our nose-blowing techniques change through our lives - probably more while we're growing up.

For me, I originally learnt to blow my nose two-handed (same way as my dad), and have always honked, but improved my technique while I was growing up. I taught myself to blow my nose one nostril at a time, to wrap the edge of the hanky tightly over the tops of my fingers to make sure it doesn't slip, and all sorts of other little tricks. My nose-blows also got steadily stronger and louder as I grew up, too, to the point where I could rattle the windows by my early teens, and now I sound like a foghorn as an adult!

How about everyone else? Does anyone still blow their nose in the exact same way as they first did as a child, or what changes have you made? Perhaps you picked up some tips from people around you?


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I feel like I spent most of my childhood stubbornly refusing to blow my nose. I think I only really started doing it when I turned 12 or so and things nasal became things sexual.

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