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will you stop using hankies because of swine flu?


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Hi all

I've always used hankies and always enjoyed seeing other guys use them. I wondering whether I should only use tissues now though due to swine flu. The advice though about always sneezing into a tissue and then binning it isn't really very practical. I hardly ever get enough warning that I'm going to sneeze, do you? Also I blow my nose on average about 4 or 5 times a day and sneeze about 3 times a day which would mean having at least 10 tissues in my pocket a day to be sure. Also the main thing is I don't enjoy blowing my nose into tissues, I can't blow really hard as I worry it'll break. Also they just don't feel as nice or look as classy.

Has anyone else been thinking about this or is it only me?


Hanky(maybe now tissue) Honk

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I have thought about this and I would haveo say that I wouldn't stop using my hankies. They are very much part of my life now and will continue to use them everyday. Aslong as you catch your sneezes in your hankie, blow your nose in it then put it back in your pocket, you'ill be ok.

Perhaps there should be a slogan for hankie users:- Catch It, Blow on it, Pocket it.

Now theres a thought.

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I have thought about this too due to the many adverts around at the moment. I doubt l will swap my hankies for tissues. I don't see the problem sneezing/blowing my nose into my hanky and putting it back into my pocket.

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I will continue to use hankies. I've never really understood the commonly accepted view that using a tissue is more sanitary than using a hankie. When you sneeze or blow your nose into a tissue, it's really hard to believe that some of the spray isn't getting through the thin paper tissue. And how many people really throw the tissue away after one use? I'd be willing to bet that at least half of the time the used tissue is stuffed into a purse or pocket. If you're really concerned about spreading germs, then I think the only thing to do is to make sure you wash your hands with soap and water, or use a waterless hand sanitizer, after the sneeze or blow, regardless of whether you have used a hankie, tissue, or your bare hands.

I'm also not a fan of the popular notion that sneezing into your sleeve is somehow better. Many people recoil at the thought of sneezing into a hankie and putting it back into your pocket, but how is it any better to sneeze into your sleeve, which is out in the open and likely to come into contact with other people or objects? I guess I can see the logic if you're in a situation where you simply can't wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, but I still don't really like it, especially from a fetish point of view since it makes it harder to see the person's facial expressions while sneezing! :P

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