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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How would they sneeze?


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I'm just gonna do Hakoda for Mwsapphire, and Elliot Grant for Zero because I'm kind of confused who's asking and answering what :tonguesubtle:

Hakoda: Reckon that he would have a single, wet sneeze that he would cover with cupped hands (I'm not great at spelling out, but something like huh-KISHH) and he would do one quick breath as build up and then do a little shrug afterwards.

Elliot Grant: Think he would have quite a ?classic? sneeze, with the choo reinforced at the end, always in ones or twos but never more, and he would put turn his face to the side and put his hand up to cover it, and then sniff and quietly say 'ugh' afterwards :tired:

What about the French tennis player Benoit Paire?

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Normally he would have a pretty forceful, loud, and wet sneeze mollified by a vocalisation at the end: something like hARRRTCHHoooo! It would overcome him suddenly, leaving him no time to put his hands up, so he would simply sneeze towards the ground. If he tries to stifle I think it would end up being even wetter: something like hhNRSHHH!

Since we're on French sportsmen: Yoann Gourcuff?

Edited by gryffin
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I'm just gonna do Hakoda for Mwsapphire, and Elliot Grant for Zero because I'm kind of confused who's asking and answering what :tonguesubtle:

Hakoda: Reckon that he would have a single, wet sneeze that he would cover with cupped hands (I'm not great at spelling out, but something like huh-KISHH) and he would do one quick breath as build up and then do a little shrug afterwards.

Elliot Grant: Think he would have quite a ?classic? sneeze, with the choo reinforced at the end, always in ones or twos but never more, and he would put turn his face to the side and put his hand up to cover it, and then sniff and quietly say 'ugh' afterwards :tired:

What about the French tennis player Benoit Paire?

You don't think haoda would sneeze loudly, like a dad sneeze?

Imagine Sokka and Katara hearing thier dad sneeze like ten meters away on the tundra.." where's dad" * small explosion* " oh there he is"

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  • 2 weeks later...

how would Oliver wood sneeze?

Just trying to open this thread again :)

oLIVER!! <33 okay, I'll stop flailing.

He'd probably be photic, which is very annoying for Quidditch. And he'd scrunch his nose up and sneeze a not very loud but not quiet, like a "heetCHHeeww!"

Umm..I can't think of anyone so the first character that comes to head is Andrew Neiman of Whiplash? If you haven't seen it, you should. :P

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Andrew Neiman of Whiplash

I think Andrew Neiman would have a rather wet, uncontrolled, spraying sort of sneeze, one of those types of sneezes that seem to come entirely out of a person's mouth and are accompanied by a lot of spit-spray, like "CHSSSH!" with maybe a tiny bit of vocalization right at the end, like "CSSCH-ahh!", but more often it would be simply the sound of the spray without a lot of extra noise.

How would John Flood (from the comic of the same title) sneeze?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Andrew Neiman of Whiplash

I think Andrew Neiman would have a rather wet, uncontrolled, spraying sort of sneeze, one of those types of sneezes that seem to come entirely out of a person's mouth and are accompanied by a lot of spit-spray, like "CHSSSH!" with maybe a tiny bit of vocalization right at the end, like "CSSCH-ahh!", but more often it would be simply the sound of the spray without a lot of extra noise.

How would John Flood (from the comic of the same title) sneeze?

maybe a lazy sneeze? or HISH-AH! possibly not covered, but aimed towards the ground... sorry i really don't know much about him.

how would Ethan sneeze? from teen wolf?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Andrew Neiman of Whiplash

I think Andrew Neiman would have a rather wet, uncontrolled, spraying sort of sneeze, one of those types of sneezes that seem to come entirely out of a person's mouth and are accompanied by a lot of spit-spray, like "CHSSSH!" with maybe a tiny bit of vocalization right at the end, like "CSSCH-ahh!", but more often it would be simply the sound of the spray without a lot of extra noise.

How would John Flood (from the comic of the same title) sneeze?

maybe a lazy sneeze? or HISH-AH! possibly not covered, but aimed towards the ground... sorry i really don't know much about him.

how would Ethan sneeze? from teen wolf?

I think Ethan would have a loud, uncovered sneeze. One of those sneezes that bend you over, like a "uuUSSHHZZT-OOO!". I'd imagine spray. He'd probably groan afterwards, scrunching his nose.

Hmm..what about Chris Beck from the new film The Martian?

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I think he’d start out with a failed stifle, like “HahNKssh!”, then a couple of hitches followed by a full-forced “Hah-uSSCHHUH!” And lots of nose-rubbing. I can't say why, but he sort of looks like he rubs his nose a lot. :lol:

Jo Danville from CSI: New York?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jo Danville would have two strong sneezes, with a long build-up to the first one, then a quick inhale before sneezing a second time.

How would Diane Neal from Law & Order SVU sneeze?

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I was waiting for somebody to ask an SVU character! She would say "excuse me" before sneezing, turn away and use her arm to cover her mouth, and it would be like "huh-ASCH!" And then maybe a second if she has a cold....

Uuuugghhh i was watcimg SVU just yesterday and was shocked at how abusurdly beautiful she is!!!!!!

How would Mako/Bolin sneeze compared to one another? What about chief Beifong? (LOK fangirl right here)

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How do you think Joy from Inside Out sneeze???

Or Austria, Spain, England, and Canada sneeze???

Here's how it works. I start us off with a fictional character. The first person to reply gives his/her opinion on how the sneeze would sound, then lists another fictional character, and so on.

^^^ This is how the game works. First you have to reply to the person before you. Then you can list your character(s). :)

Edited by VividBubbles!
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How would Mako/Bolin sneeze compared to one another? What about chief Beifong? (LOK fangirl right here)

I think Mako would sneeze a LOT like how he pretended to in the episode where they're all holed up in a factory and he's ambushing a guard, just on account of that he'd probably be acting to his own experiences. I like to imagine so anyway. Bolin, probably a deeper, more chesty sounding sneeze, like "ah-HUTSCH"

Cheif Beifong probably is a stifler. "Hnnxsche!"

HOW WOULD Clopin, from disney's hunchback movie, sneeze? :)

Edited by i'm a monster yo
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I'll take them both.

Joy would have a fairly dramatic buildup, her eyes will close slowly, before letting out a fairly loud sneeze, followed by a second sneeze that would knock her off her feet because of the high energy.

Clopin from The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Well he has a long nose, so sneezes would be frequent. I can't see him having multiples, so I'll go with a long sneeze that comes out despite his multiple attempts at running underneath his nose before ultimately failing.

How would Sarah Michelle Gellar from I Know What You Did Last Summer sneeze?

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For Sarah Michelle Gellar, I think a quite delicate, feminine sounding sneeze, off to the side, with her hand covering her nose. There would be a little squeak at the end. She would sneeze once or twice, with a few seconds gap between the two sneezes.

Christoph Waltz? I've just seen the new James Bond movie and he is amazing in it.

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Christoph Waltz? I love the parody of him on Saturday Night Live. Let's see his sneeze would have several nostril flairs, before a pretty loud sneeze would come out, like an ATT-CHOO!!!! Doubt he'd have a double but it's possible.

How would Stephanie March from Law & Order SVU sneeze?

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Christoph Waltz? I love the parody of him on Saturday Night Live. Let's see his sneeze would have several nostril flairs, before a pretty loud sneeze would come out, like an ATT-CHOO!!!! Doubt he'd have a double but it's possible.

How would Stephanie March from Law & Order SVU sneeze?

She would excuse herself, turn into her arm, and have a breathy buildup before a " Het-EESSSHH!"

How would Sokka or Zuko from Avatar the last airbender sneeze?

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How would Sokka or Zuko from Avatar the last airbender sneeze?

Well, I'll take Zuko.

I think he'd be a triple sneezer, and they would be small, dry, and quick. The third sneeze always takes like one or two seconds more to come out because it's stronger. Like "Ksh! Ksh! ..Huukshh!"

How would Violet Harmon from American Horror Story sneeze?

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I don't actually watch America Horror Story but I googled her and I think she'd crinkle her nose, blinking rapidly as she fought off the sneeze. She'd then lift her collar over her nose and turn away with a pitchy and controlling sneeze. "Hhh....ISHH'IEW!" She'd either do that one or about four times. Her blond hair would fall into her eyes and she would sniffle and then continue on like normal.


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I don't actually watch America Horror Story but I googled her and I think she'd crinkle her nose, blinking rapidly as she fought off the sneeze. She'd then lift her collar over her nose and turn away with a pitchy and controlling sneeze. "Hhh....ISHH'IEW!" She'd either do that one or about four times. Her blond hair would fall into her eyes and she would sniffle and then continue on like normal.


Leo would have quite a harsh sneeze, and would probably be taken over by the sneeze, being unable to continue to do whatever he was doing, nostrils flaring, breath hitching, and finally release a "HEASSHH-HOO!" or something along the lines ^-^ he's probably do a double as well. Afterwards he'd probably groan and sniffle, rubbing his nose.

Hmm..what about Cara Delevignes character Margo from the Paper Towns movie?

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I don't actually watch America Horror Story but I googled her and I think she'd crinkle her nose, blinking rapidly as she fought off the sneeze. She'd then lift her collar over her nose and turn away with a pitchy and controlling sneeze. "Hhh....ISHH'IEW!" She'd either do that one or about four times. Her blond hair would fall into her eyes and she would sniffle and then continue on like normal.


Leo would have quite a harsh sneeze, and would probably be taken over by the sneeze, being unable to continue to do whatever he was doing, nostrils flaring, breath hitching, and finally release a "HEASSHH-HOO!" or something along the lines ^-^ he's probably do a double as well. Afterwards he'd probably groan and sniffle, rubbing his nose.

Hmm..what about Cara Delevignes character Margo from the Paper Towns movie?

Probably a breathy " just a second" ...before turning away, tenting her hands over her face, and going " Hah-TISHEW" , she wouldn't apologize, she's too badass.

Haru from Avatar the Last Airbender.....I love AtLA....or Benson from LAW and Order SVU

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I think she'd cup her hands over her mouth and rock forward which each sneeze. Like "IT'XCHOU! Hehh'TYISHHO!" And then she would sanitize her hands. Sorry I don't actually watch the show but I Googled her.

How about Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver from Age of Ultron?

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I think she'd cup her hands over her mouth and rock forward which each sneeze. Like "IT'XCHOU! Hehh'TYISHHO!" And then she would sanitize her hands. Sorry I don't actually watch the show but I Googled her.

How about Pietro Maximoff aka Quicksilver from Age of Ultron?

A " HUhrrrr-RUHO!" into his fist, he'd turn to the side slightly.

But seriously, Haru from A;tla.....it love cartoon characters sneezing

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I can't get the quote to work for some reason, but I think Haru would have a pretty powerful sneeze, but he would try to hold it in right up until the very end - suppressing any sign of buildup of breath-hitching, sometimes more successfully than other times - then when the sneeze finally came to a head, he would press his fist hard into his nose and mouth and hold the sneeze in until the very last second, where it would finally explode with a gruff, slightly muffled "HUSCH!!", which he would turn and aim down towards the ground behind him, trying to bring as little attention to it as possible. Probably just the one, though he reminds me of a photic person, for some reason.

How would Shinichi from Parayste sneeze? (I know he sneezes on the show but I want to hear someone else's headcanon anyway, haha).

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